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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Avenue-X Gives Provider Information to News Channel 3--Response to LisaRivera

It's a good thing that you're not raising an elephant . . . it'd starve.

  "Pothos, Whether Red jumped in or not, a lot of the things that were said shouldn't have been stated especially on an open board" -- LisaRivera

The point isn't about someone stopping all of these people from saying the things that they said. Neither Aimee nor Leetah are complaining about saying things they "wished" they "didn't" say.

They never denied that they were responsible for what they said. That's beside the point.

Aimee and Leetah made a point. Someone sat on information that could've prevented the flames dead in their tracks.

Someone appeared to violate the picture rules, and a flame erupted. One of the moderators gave this person permission to post that shot. The others didn't know that. Red is the moderator that did this.

Red could've come out and ended the flame before it began. She said this instead:

"I know things are crazy right now, but I sure do like it when you speak your mind." - Red to Aimee when this fiasco started

Had she volunteered the information early on, this would've happened:

"If you would have come in and said that you allowed it then I would have come in and said an apology, would have said "my bad." Cause I have always told Joey I love her tats and body~ But when what I thought were rules broken...then that's why I said what I did." - Leetah

  "...Maybe at the time Red didn't think that it was going to go as far as it did..." -- LisaRivera

Red fanned the flames, so your "didn't think" theory goes out the window:

"I know things are crazy right now, but I sure do like it when you speak your mind." - Red to Aimee when this fiasco started

"I authorized the pic. I didn't deem it graphic enough to remove." - Red to Pothos around the time Aimee was shown the door.

Joey's errant picture connects those two sentences.

Common now, she had this information before the flame started. She encouraged Aimee in this argument. She knew that she authorized the pic that's central to this flame.

Joey said, "Look, a mod authorized me." Aimee, Leetah et al argued that this was against the rules.

Let's say that you were a moderator. Wouldn't you jump in and say, "Look, I authorized the pic?" Based on Leetah's statement, it would've stopped right there.

  "Hell, Betty locked the damn post and guess what happens, Aimee starts another threat...." -- LisaRivera

First, don't . . . you . . . think that Red could've volunteered that information RIIIGGHHHHT . . . ABOOOUUUUT . . . HERE?

Don't you think that when another thread gets started, along similar lines, that it's getting out of hand already?

  "I know Aimee is your ATF which you have reminded us on my occasions," -- LisaRivera

Yup, Aimee is my ATF.  Aimee and Leetah are my doubles ATF.

   "...but I hope you are not supporting her threats and clearly her paranoid behavior...." -- LisaRivera

This coming from the person that comes out of the woodworks to support Red when she didn't have anything substantial to add:

"Get a life outside of being stuck up the MODS ass"   -PopularDemand to LisaRivera

As you were saying?

First, the nature of your posts makes you come across as jumping the bandwagon just to defend Red. I highly recommend that you think about that before implying that I'm just here to defend my ATF - "no matter what"


"I will be at the mixer tomorrow with actual booklets of the entire transcript of everything, including my correspondence to you. I have nothing to hide." - Aimee.

Unless you've seen what she's got, I wouldn't recommend dismissing her statements as "threats" and "paranoia."

In fact, the only "threat" she made was her indicating that if Red continued to ignore her, she'd bring this out to the open.

Aimee has the facts on her side, and I'll stand by the facts. I'm not "blindly" supporting her simply because of who she is.

In fact, if she were still posting here, she'd tell you that I've played devils advocate.

"Remember that old saying 'loose lips sink ships.'" -- LisaRivera

Those who know that statement's history would know that it doesn't apply. It would apply somewhere else though. Like, when a provider passes screening and enters the VIP forum. This is a lady that rooms with Ellie and a lawyer. This is a lady that implied that those that got into her way were taken out of the picture.

I do applaud your following up on what Aimee said. Thanks for pushing that topic after Aimee first brought that up.

"No one is responsible for the things that other people say..." -- LisaRivera

I agree, like I said before, the moderators don't control what Aimee or any other poster says. I've made it clear that people are responsible for what they say. That's not Aimee and Leetah's point with their argument.

Remember, this would've never gone far if Red volunteered her information in the beginning. That's the elephant in the room that's constantly being ignored.

"But if you are going to be fair," -- LisaRivera

I AM being fair. Again, ask Aimee and she'll tell you that I've played devils advocate with her. She's standing her ground and she's got the facts to back her argument.

I don't see you as being fair in this, and I'm not the only one that sees this:

"This is not to take sides on any issues at all, but I'm wondering how many are tired of Lisa Rivera co signing to everything the MODS say as correct." -PopularDemand to LisaRivera

"why don't you interpret her entire PM and explain to us again why you feel that she is warrnete in her off the wall threats and behavior..." -- LisaRivera

You want an explanation behind that PM? Aimee provided that explanation via a couple private messages. She's OK with Red posting those other two PMs - unedited.

Considering this information:

"We can tell why you support everything Red says because she is the main reason why you had business at her compound doing doubles." -PopularDemand to LisaRivera

And this:

"I understand you want to be her right hand and move up to being a MOD." -PopularDemand to LisaRivera

I'd say you're in a better position to ask Red to post those two PMs, unedited. So, let the community see why Aimee did what she did. Those two PMs have juicy details and they answer your questions.

I'm basing my statements on two things: What's on this thread and what Aimee has. Aimee and Leetah have a point. Their opposition has several strawmen.

I'd post them. Aimee; however, wants Red to post them instead.

"Are you helping her mailed her infomrationtion oversees..." -- LisaRivera

That serves me right for thinking that everybody understands the concept behind emails.

No. I'm not helping her mail information overseas. Unlike you, she understands that you don't need postage stamps on emails. She also understands that you could send emails to multiple recipients.

"I thought you might help out with the postate" -- LisaRivera

My Internet provider doesn't charge me postage for sending E -mail. Aimee did say that she E-mailed this stuff. 

"since Red is the reason she hasn't been able to make any money...Go figure that one...Simply priceless, even for you Pothos" -- LisaRivera

You know what I consider as priceless? Someone, high school - possibly college - graduate, could interpret "affect my business" with "not making any money."

You know, like instead of gaining three new clients, one only gained one client. A business could be affected that way. 

Sending correspondence overseas without having to pay postage? Now that's priceless!

You should switch to an Internet provider that doesn't charge postage for emails.

"It is a shame you want everyone to respect your opinion but criticism to your comments are unwarranted. Your character will comprise your failure." -PopularDemand to LisaRivera

From talking to you before, I'd say that this is a very accurate statement.

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