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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Avenue-X--Bohemian Misses the Point Behind His Own Medicine

bohemian:  Ah, you didn't attack my grammar - you attacked my spelling of grammar -

Spelling is part of grammar. Grammar covers word, phrase and sentence structure.

Here's the point that you missed. Don't accuse someone of lacking grace of the English language when you show lack of it. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation go hand in hand.

I could've gone further. I could've worded your sentences better. All I needed to do was point a couple things out to prove that you didn't have your ducks in a row.

You don't have a leg to stand on when telling people that they don't have a grasp of grammar, or that they "lack grace with the English Language."

bohemian:  exhibiting the time-tested foolishness of one who has no argument and therefore attacks one's spelling.

You'd have a point if that's all I did in my response.

Anybody that could read, at the 5th grade level, would understand that I did more. I attacked your argument. Since you attack my grace of the English language, I responded in kind.

Here's what started it all:

"...no insult I can hurl can do as much damage to your image as your own lack of grace and style with the English language." - bohemian

This is you tossing red herrings into our argument, you're implementing shoot and move tactics instead of sticking to the original argument.

I've argued with you point by point. I DO have an argument. The problem is that you keep shifting tactics when your previous tactics fail.

You're the one that has no argument.

Please don't mistake my ability to adjust my tactics... to meet your change of tactics... as my "not having an argument."

Remember, you started it with your "grace and style with the English language" comment. Not me.

bohemian: Not only is your writing inconprehensible and confused,

You see how you're shooting yourself in the foot here?

How can you determine whether I have an argument or not? You can't even understand what I'm saying!

Note: The text that I've used on this thread is simpler than the one that I've used on another forum. Both high school and college students frequented this other message board.

High school students easily understood what I said. This is the same writing that you label as "incomprehensible" and "confused."

bohemian:   you cannot even be accurate. Im still unsure whether your inaccuracies are because you just arent that bright or because you are intellectually dishonest. It looks like a little (or a lot) of both.


Again, how could you determine if I'm accurate or not if you can't understand what I'm typing? You said that my writing is "incomprehensible" and "confused." If that's the case, then you wouldn't know if what I say is accurate or not.

This means that what you expressed is baseless opinion.

A person that...

* Doesn't understand what I say...

* Feels that my writing is incomprehensible...

...Is being intellectually dishonest when he accuses me of not being accurate.

I've asked you to prove a statement that you made about me. You failed to do that.

You've stated that I'm "not" accurate. Well? Where's your proof?

The only inaccurate person in this discussion is you. Want to come up with an intelligent assessment on someone on the Internet? The first thing you need to do is understand what they say.

There are more steps, but they'd be useless if you don't master the first step.

Judging by your own words, you've failed to do that. Therefore, what you said about me is inaccurate.

bohemian:  By the way, once you attack spelling on a message board, you've already lost the argument

You fired the first volley. Don't forget that you attacked me first with your "lack of grace with the English language" comment.

By your own definition, you lost.

There are two or more sides arguing an issue in a debate. The victor successfully proves the other side wrong. He does that through a reasoned argument backed by facts, logic and research. He does this against what the opposition says.

Everybody that I've debated with, online, has failed to do that.

I've presented a logical argument. This argument is peppered with facts and references.  The opposing side has delivered nothing but emotion and baseless rhetoric.

You've only presented your opinions. You backed that with emotions and baseless rhetoric. When you respond to my post, one that you don't understand, you're just presenting opinions.

You've consistently failed to present a logical argument to back your rants against me.

bohemian:  (I know you havent lost it in your mind - Im sure you have never lost an argument in that steel trap you call your mind).

Anybody, without bias, could look at our exchange and see that I'm destroying the opposition. They'll see that I'm handing you your ass in this debate.

Everybody that threw the same accusation at me was dead set on their opinions. Everybody that accused me of that was fighting for the last word.

I've seen you in this and other arguments. You've shown no major signs of seeing where your opponent was coming from.

Using your own reason, you have a steel trap where everybody else has a brain.

Remember, you're the one that admitted to not understanding what I said. Yet, you made a conclusion based on what you didn't understand.

The only person between the two of us that's demonstrating that he has a steel trap for a mind is you.

bohemian:  But thanks, I did have a good laugh taking a look at the multiple posts on this thread - thus proving my point about how you will get yourself in such a lather and post repeatedly.

You do realize you're having the same affect on me, do you?

There's a purpose behind every sentence I write - and specific words that I use. In your case, they've worked beautifully. Every time this happens, I've gotten a good laugh.

I've asked you a question. Instead of answering my question, you admit to not understanding what I say, and you get vitriolic in your response.

In order to know if I'm "working" myself into a "lather" or not, you'd have to understand what I'm saying.

But, by your own admission, you didn't:

"Not only is your writing inconprehensible and confused," - bohemian

If you understood what I wrote, you'd understand what I did. I brought several arguments from other threads into this one.  I responded to different people here.

That's not me working myself up in a lather.  That's me keeping my responses on one thread instead of making non related posts on other threads. It saves me from starting a new one.

bohemian:  Here's an idea - Reality - its out there my friend. Grasp it.

Your comments show that you don't have a grasp of reality. You need to post like you know what you're talking about before telling me to grab something I already have.

You need to understand what someone says before you judge their accuracy. That's reality. Your responses here show that you're living in a fantasy world.

Let the Kool Aid's affects wear off. The moment you see reality is the moment you'll agree with what I said.

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