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Friday, September 30, 2011

September post summary...

Here's a summary of September 2011's postings.

This month's earliest posts are based on a thread I started. A provider and I had a verbal exchange. She replied to me, then locked her PM receiving capabilities. I responded by replying in the flame forum. This forum allows you to light someone's ass on fire, provided that you didn't give out personal information.

A whole bunch of morons jumped on the thread, not knowing what they were talking about. They flamed me, and I fired back. They were more interested in playing "white knight" than to be fair and impartial. Oh well, their mistake. Not only did I destroy their argument, I destroyed their credibility.

If people would've stopped frothing at the mouth, they would've realized that I continued an argument. Since they're "adults," they should've realized that nobody forced them to read that thread.

Sigh, some people's kids.

I included comments from other threads. They had one thing in common... they're replies that balance out replies to my earlier comments.

Right above them are the replies I gave to Robertson89... or would've given him. That dummy is a glutton for punishment. His arrogance constantly blinded him to the fact that he lost the fight... just like he did our other fights. These are replies I would've made had I not been banned... something I was willing to let happen to me.

This leads me to the next group of replies. I fought the board administration for an injustice against my 2006/2007 ATF. I got banned. These replies, "Avenue X throws providers under the bus," are the replies that got me banned. Red deleted every one of them on that thread, so I re-posted them here, to establish balance.

The more recent group of posts represents posts I would've made on a thread that I debated on... as another username. The administrators banned me again, before I could finish the fight. So I've posted my replies here. Both Robertson89 and Jenna Banks were notified, and given opportunity to read these posts.  

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