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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Avenue-X Gives Provider Information to News Channel 3--Baby Tech Accuses Jack Oats of Hatred

 "For seven years Avenue-X has tolerated your uncensored hatred of this site, enough is enough. Goodbye Jack." - "Baby" Tech

Jack Oat may have gotten under your skin before. His last post; however, doesn't constitute "hatred" for this site.

All he did was make a very legitimate post. He communicated what's obvious to allot of us.  Yet here we are with the usual silencing action.

Let's see, Aimee, Leetah, "likethat" (?), Jack Oat.

What do the above share?

They dared to point out the staff's possible wrongdoings.

You speak about "if you had any integrity." Well? Where's yours? I didn't see it when you banned Jack Oat for exercising his freedom of speech. If he were a vet, his banning would be a very big irony.

Banning the above isn't just an action to get rid of people "causing trouble."

This is abuse of power. I see people trying to hide something. If you're reading PM's, as Red implies above, then you know that Aimee has agreement and support.

Deep down inside, behind all the pride, the people involved KNOW that Aimee is right. Instead of humbling themselves, they create smoke screens.

The staff has additional tools in their arsenal. They could use moderator, administrator, and tech powers to "tip the balance" in this fight. If they don't have a valid argument, they could just ban the opposition.

Your side of the argument is half assing these smoke screens and red herrings. The staff doesn't believe their own stories. They hope that others would buy it.

It's just their ego speaking. That arrogance strives to achieve final "victory" by revising posts, locking posts, deleting threads, warning people to leave, banning people and so on.

Here's the cold hard reality. You prove people's points when you ban them.

So, even as steam blows out of your ears... your eyes get bloodshot... your veins pop out of your forehead... your mouth forms into a snarl as your keyboard sounds like a popcorn machine from hell... while you - or one of your cohorts - type "blah blah blah yadi yadi yada ... goodbye Pothos." Understand that as you do that, you end up proving my point better than I could've done it.

From Grudge-Match.com:


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