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Friday, September 2, 2011

Avenue-X Robertson89 Cherry Picks Data About the Iraq War

[quote]Evidence of brilliant success of "surge tactics"/Now even U.S. troops are getting captured and death tolls reaches new high

Pics and whole NPR story at


BAGHDAD May 13, 2007, 6:32 p.m. ET * An al-Qaida front group announced Sunday it had captured American soldiers in a deadly attack the day before, as thousands of U.S. troops searched insurgent areas south of Baghdad for their three missing comrades.

The statement came on one of the deadliest days in the country in recent weeks, with at least 124 people killed or found dead. A suicide truck bomb tore through the offices of a Kurdish political party in northern Iraq, killing 50 people, and a car bombing in a crowded Baghdad market killed another 17. [/quote]

Where have you been? U.S. troops got captured during the beginning of the war. Or have you forgotten Jessica?

You're cherry picking a few instances in the war. Then, you're turning around and using that to "prove" that the surge "isn't" working. That's like saying that we're not making progress here in the United States because of some kidnappings here.

Advance time to the following year.

Thanks to the surge, Iraq security improved by leaps and bounds. The Iraqi military is further ahead in its ultimate goals of taking over for that country's security. The rest of the country is experiencing large scale improvements compared to before.

What's one good indicator that things have tremendously gotten better in Iraq since you said this?

Iraq is hardly getting media attention compared to before.

Updated to add:

I've recently combat deployed to Iraq. I know this from first hand experience, we won with a straight cut victory. Al Qaida, and the Anti Iraqi Forces (AIF), REFUSE to fight us face to face. Their usual tactic, when they find out that the military is moving against them, is to run like COWARDS.

They only attack us when they think we're not paying attention. They ended up on the bad end of the stick.

[quote]Those who have been supporting the use of torture against enemy combattants and even "suspected" enemies should pray now that the other side does not "emulate" that and takes their inspiration from them.

They might also see a bit more clearly now how the practice of torture makes it so much more likely the same will be done to our own guys once they get taken prisoners.[/quote]

Al Qaeda and the AIF, are brutal to their prisoners. What we do, or won't do, doesn't matter to them. This is a no brainer. If the insurgency captures you, you won't be alive for long. Your death will be horrible. This is why the vast majority of the troops fight to the death with these guys. The alternative isn't acceptable.

Also, there's a big difference between how the U.S. military, and how the radical Islamic forces, treat their prisoners.

In fact, take the Abu Ghraib (sp) stunts and ask yourself this question. How many dominas here in North America, as well in Europe, are making allot of money by forcing their subs to do one of these:

* Dog/pony training

* Electrocution

* Humiliation

* Forced panties over the sub's head (usually one with the domina's stench)

* Brown showers

* Whipping

* Spanking

* Pain infliction

* Human furniture

That's just naming a few.

Now, think of the number of subs that ask their mistresses to do the above. How may subs ask their mistresses to saw their heads off? Compare the two and what do you get?

Zero for the second scenario, but you get the picture.

Again, not condoning what they did at Abu Ghraib. Those soldiers faced justice for doing something that America, and the US military, doesn't condone.

We treat our prisoners allot better than they do theirs. The enemies we're fighting won't care if we treat their comrades like kings. They wouldn't care if carry them around, feed them grapes, or whatever. They'll torture our guys no matter how kind we are to their people.

Here's the point that your article misses.

They want to kill us because we're not Muslim... we haven't submitted to God by their standards. In their eyes, conversion to Islam is what'll save us.

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