[quote]Pothos showing he doesn't even know the sources he nonetheless claims to "rebut"!
robertson89 speaking for the insurgency: ...Lesson for today: "How Big is The Insurgency?"
Pothos (head buried deep in his ass and shouting "Can't see no civil war going on there!"): "Until I see raw data surveys and polls done to show exactly how many insurgents we are fighting in Iraq, I'm not going to take your word."
"So where is the raw data that these studies used? What were the various insurgencies studied?"
First, you have not read that study I sent you because they MENTION black on white the "various insurgencies" they have used! Or you are like President Dumbo and you can't read English? The French in Algeria, Vietnam, etc. The historical cases are mentioned there so just read and learn instead of using a face-sittting web site to back up a foreign policy "view".
Second, I really don't see how giving some figures from serious studies from foreign policy journals amounts to "speaking for the insurgency". But oh, well, at that level, whatever, why not.
In any case, I GAVE you in that one post 2 studies with a whole bunch of data to make you happy.
You, by contrast, you will notice, give shit. Only the usual rant and bla bla bla bla bla bla.[/quote]
Response revised in 2008:
You presented information sources that didn't support what you were arguing.
You definitely didn't show any polling information that indicated that Iraq's insurgency grew. You presented a study, from a left leaning center that gives estimates and opinions. They didn't give anything concrete in terms of scientific poling data.
The study you referenced wasn't specific. It painted a broad picture on terrorist activity. It doesn't zero in, or specialize, in what's going on in Iraq.
You liked your study, because it painted a grim picture of what's going on. It turned an anthill into a mountain. You made the Iraqi insurgency something bigger than what it really is.
That's what caused me to reference you as the mouthpiece for the insurgency.
Still think that you presented strong evidence? You wouldn't think the same way if you pulled your head out of your ass.
Speaking of the insurgency...
Look at the casualty numbers. Look at the substantial progress we've made over the past year. The insurgency isn't letting the border stop their retreat.
Also, Iraq never plunged into a civil war.
Updated to add:
I've recently combat deployed to Iraq. Robertson89's studies don't describe what I saw while in Iraq... not by a long-shot.
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