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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Avenue-X--Xytheman Forgets to Pull His Head Out of His Ass Before Commenting

"This [BEEP] chic has little tolerance for me, nonetheless, what exactly is the purpose of this post by Pothos? Sounds like a self absorbed jackass to me." -- xytheman 
Are you stupid or something? Can't you read? What part of "reply to [BEEP]" DON'T you understand?

Just by reading your statement, I could tell that you pull shit out of your ass before educating yourself about what's going on.

And, since it appears that you've FAILED to read what's going on in the first post, then you've also failed to read my other threads.

In other words, pull your head out of your ass, open your eyes, and educate yourself about the topic you intend to participate in... enough to say something partially intelligent.

Otherwise, you come across as a randomly, loudly clanging bell... all noise but no sense.

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