[quote]Yet another "data" for the factually-challenged Pothos guy
By the way did you know Iraq is now the SECOND most expensive American war/military operation EVER, right after WWII?
Rough price tag: 730 BILLION DOLLARS. Waow!
I think Bush wants to reach the cool trillion before leaving. Just to leave a nice legacy and another nightmare to solve to the next guys who will come after and will have to clean his shit while he himself will be enjoyng life in his ranch and opening libraries. (Well, maybe at least he will learn to read and speak English properly. He may even have children read him the end of "My Pet's Goat". You know? That story children were reading to him when our "Commander-in-chief" had given himself a month-long vacation and 9/11 happened DURING HIS "WATCH"?)
Great results too. Magnificent success, really. The American people really got their hard-won's money's worth on that one. [/quote]
Here's a simple common sense question. Would you sacrifice all your assets and belongings if that's what it would take to secure your long term survival? Perhaps one of your fellow Europeans could make things very clear to you:
"For his policies, Bush risks the fall of the dollar, huge amounts of additional national debt and a massive and persistent burden on the American economy--because everything is at stake."
Everything is at stake, Matthias Dopfner was spot on with that statement.
Our policies don't breed terrorism. Our continued existence as non Muslims does.
Our own enemies said that they'll rule the world.
On one hand, we spend money to prevent their nightmare scenario. On the other hand, we do as you suggest... have our grand kids see a time when this country becomes a series of Islamic Caliphates. If that happens, these caliphates will put the Taliban's rule to shame.
George Bush, unlike Slick Willie, will have a positive legacy.
I remember when the media showed no mercy toward Ronald Reagan. They constantly hammered him. Just by listening to the news, you'd think that Reagan would go down as one of the "worst" presidents that we had.
But I knew better then. The Berlin Wall's breaching assured Ronald Reagan's place in history. Even his old foe lists him as one of the greatest political figures of the 20th century.
The same thing will happen with George Bush.
I highly recommend that you learn to read what you're addressing... with the intentions of understanding what's being said... like what I post... before lambasting the president's reading abilities.
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