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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Avenue-X Gives Provider Information to News Channel 3--Response to Biggie Lover

Jack, I know for sure you are not that stupid to even believe a hint of what you posted.  So you obviously have another agenda.  Trust me, you WON'T get free sessions out of this." - Biggie Lover

WOW! That rebuttal definitely "blew" Jack Oat's argument away. NOT.

You call that a rebuttal? Jack Oat made a legitimate statement. He backed his statements with a logical argument. He based that logical argument on facts.

What do you do in response?  "Uh, you're stupid; you can't believe what you said!"

Here's a better question. Do you honest to God believe what you're saying?

Perhaps you were the Avenue-X person that cooperated for the segment. Perhaps you might be one of the people that knew about this, but kept others in the dark.

Let's say you didn't have anything to do with the news segment. I don't believe that the others kept you in the dark about this.

I don't believe for a second that the moderators "don't" have the ability to read our PMs: 

"Oh, and btw, Leetah (I know you are reading this because you have created several new usernames), make sure Aimee sends you copies of the emails/PMs she is sending out under various names since she's got your business all up in there and is making you look like a straight up idiot." - Red

Here's another question that you should ask. How's Red able to know what people do with regards to their emails?

Jack Oat isn't crazy for making his remarks. 

Aimee and Leetah were mathematically eliminated from consideration even before their banning. The first pages didn't show them. Leetah removed her links and profile before she got banned.

You had to spend plenty of time digging through this site to get Aimee's and Leetah's information. This person would've needed more patience than the average surfer.

The first three pages contained eye catching banners. They had a greater chance for selection and viewing than Aimee and Leetah's information.

Mathematically, Red had better chances of catching an internet surfer than anybody here. She has an eye catching banner. It's like she's telling the world to kiss her ass.

No ifs, ands, or BUTS about it.

It doesn't help that Avenue-X' cadre showed cavalier attitudes toward the security breech here. Giving a weak cop out comment, about Ellie already being on this board, didn't help either. This wasn't a logical argument, but an attempt to fuse hobbying Ellie with the provider that roomed with Ellie.

Again, logical arguments back Jack Oat's arguments. I did that here; I have the facts to back my argument.

Aimee's lawyer successfully gets that video pulled from the site, with a promise that they won't air her pictures again.

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