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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

From Here to the Jenna Changes Tune Posts, New Posts...

The posts above this are based on posts I generated in 2008. This was when I was active on that Rebate thread. Those were easy, all I had to do was reword them to my current writing style... and add some facts along the way. These facts are consistent with my argument.

My argument is still preserved in those posts. 

Since I got banned again, I didn't get a chance to reply.  I got busy from that time until recently, so I picked up again.

Here's what I tell people that I debate with:

"Even if I don't get back with you tonight, I'll get back with you tomorrow, the next week, the next month, the next year, the next decade, the next century or the next lifetime. No matter how long it takes, I'll get back with you. That's almost as guaranteed as taxes and death."

The posts below this, debating Jenna Banks, Ceejay1000, ProfRaff and TonieX are totally new. That's me carrying out that "will get back" declaration. I've got one of their emails, they'll be seeing these posts.

There's a time difference between the above "Jenna" posts and those below.

That doesn't change one consistent fact... what I said now isn't that much different from what I said, or what I would've done, had I generated these during that thread's run.

I've never changed my mind based on what a debate opponent has told me.

The main reason that my argument is consistent is that I base it on the facts.

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