I removed the provider's name from this post. A year after this debate, she welcomed me to her new website. It competed against Avenue-X for a few months. It lost. One reason was that the administrators didn't know how to seed discussion topics.
Almost 3 years later, we met face to face. We're on good terms with each other now.
In fact, she praised me privately for doing this exact thing on her message board. She told me to never change. She said that with a lot of laughter.
But, I thought I'd still include this comment and my response.
"Pothos, dude..I don't know you at ALL...but based purely on your ramblings here, I'm gonna say you have some SERIOUS control issues and WAAAAAAAAAY too much time on your hands. I'd advise you to get a new hobby..I don't think this one is working out too well for ya!!" -[BEEP]
Key statement: You don't know me at all.
That's the only accurate part in your post. I don't recognize myself in the rest of your post.
The first thing you need, to be accurate about someone, is to know them. You also need to understand what they're saying and what they're getting at.
What am I talking about when I say, "knowing someone"? I'm talking about observing them first hand. Not able to do that? The next best thing is to read and understand what they're saying. Take what they say in and analyze it without bias.
I could tell that you didn't do either.
Control issues? Negative. Determined? Yes. Enjoy doing things this way? Yes. Enjoy typing for the sake of typing? Yes.
I apply my debate stamina to other things that I do. That's why I've succeeded in many things that I've strived for. That's why I could swim two miles, or run five miles, without suffering.
I have a competitive streak about me. If someone is catching up to me on the tracks, or in the pool, I increase my speed. I'd do this regardless of how much distance I've put behind me.
If someone rebuts something I said, I'll quickly rebut him/her. Don't mistake my competitiveness as "control." Don't mistake my thorough replies as "control."
My correcting someone's grammar isn't control. That's me giving that person a taste of his/her own medicine. If someone attacks my grammar, I'll attack theirs. It's that simple. You would've learned that if you paid attention to what I said.
Since you missed this earlier, I'm going to cover it again.
Someone criticized my grasp of the English language. He did so with grammar and spelling errors. I pointed his errors out in my response to him. My point is that he shouldn't attack my grasp of the English language if he doesn't have a grasp of it.
If he didn't make that comment, I wouldn't have corrected his grammar.
You need to observe me in action if you're going to say that I have too much time on my hands.
I generated two posts the night I made the above statement. I made them on one thread. That's it. That's not enough to conclude how much time someone has on their hands. If anything, that'd say the person may not have enough time on their hands.
Also, a word about whether this hobby is "working" for me or not. Knowing me, and observing me first hand, would give you the facts.
I've had intercourse in the middle of typing a long, vicious post. That action didn't change that post's tone or demeanor when I got back to it.
Say that I spent all day in a dark resting room. The music plays. Bird sounds, river flows, combined with soft music, with a woman giving relaxation techniques. Even after that, I'd still come back and generate a vicious flaming post.
If I plan on getting under someone's skin, I'm going to do it. Whether I'm relaxed or not is a non issue.
Had you known me better, you'd know that I enjoy doing things like this. I'll debate in topics I'm passionate about. I also enjoy typing.
So, since you've never observed me first hand... and since you've failed to read and analyze what I said... your opinion of me is BS and wrong. I know that for a fact.
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