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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Avenue-X--Bogiegolf Forgets That the Government Receives Revenue Throughout the Year

[quote]You are right, as far as the stimulus checks the government is spending money it doesn't have in all of the cases where they are giving these checks to people who paid very little or nothing at all in taxes.

Here's and idea to help the long term pain; cut top heavy government agency jobs ( make government employees work for their money), cut out all foreign aid, and do away with welfare 100%.


The government collects tax revenues in the beginning of the year for individuals, and roughly four times a year from businesses and corporations. These businesses and corporations don't all have the same fiscal quarter schedule.

That money is there.

Those people who pay little to no taxes may not even have to file a tax return. Here's a reality for both federal and state tax filing. If you've earned below a certain amount a year, then you're not required to file a tax return.

If you didn't file a tax return, you're not qualified for the tax rebates.

The tax rebates went back to the taxpayers. The government gave the lower income group some of their taxes back.

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