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Friday, August 26, 2011

R--Time to Destroy Urban Myths About Palin (Not Fooled) (Time to Prove You're Lying)

You have to prove your accusations. If you think that someone lied, post what that person said that caused you to assume such.

To do that, you have to take their statement, and show evidence that what they said was a complete lie. You didn't. Everything that I included in that post is based on fact.

For instance, people put words in Sarah Palin's mouth that she claimed that she sold her private jet on ebay.

My post indicated that she never made that claim, only that she put it up there for sale. She sold the plane elsewhere. In order to prove that I "lied," you'd have to prove that she claimed that she sold it on Ebay. She never made such claim. So I didn't, "lie."

Let's simplify this. Your job was to prove that this, along with other incidents, were FALSE. That's the only time you could argue that I'm "lying." You failed to do that.

Instead, you brought up an article:


What I previously said:

"She was willing to accept the bridge provided that it didn't cost the State any money. When she found out that the total costs would require the state to fork money over, she rightfully said no. As Alaska's governor, she held to her goals of cutting spending. That bridge's real cost would've worked against it, so she turned it down.

"I don't fault her for that. She aimed to cut unnecessary state expenses. The bridge offered something she could do for her state's voters. But when reality kicked in, she said no thanks. She never lost sight of the ball."

Again, in order to prove that I "lied," you'd have to prove that I didn't say what I just quoted above. I know what I said. Your link doesn't prove my post wrong; one doesn't lie by providing facts.

If anybody is lying, it's you for doing the following:

* Failing to prove me wrong...

* Failing to address the facts that I brought up...

* Ignoring the fact that I commented on the article's topic...

Instead, you took the easy, ego sating approach by accusing me of lying. That was easier for you to do than to accept that you're wrong.

You spewed:

Nice propaganda. Too bad anyone with google can find out youre lying.

Heres a newspaper in ALASKA talking about how Sarah Palin is lying to america about her track record with pork from washington. Turns out she actually supported the $250 million "bridge to nowhere". she only changed her position when it lost support. Best part of her lie? Even though the bridge project was canceled...she STILL took the money from washington. Reformer my ass.


So how many other lies are you spreading for McCain/ Palin? Give me a minute on google, and Im sure I will find more.

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