Back in the summer of 2010, I got into a massive debate on collarchat.
I started a thread, while on R & R from Iraq. I offered to answer questions about Iraq. I wanted to bridge the gap between what the media said, and what's really going on.
The thread started with people thanking me for my service. Some people asked me sincere Iraq questions.
But, most posters weren't having it. Heaven forbid that someone was going to destroy their Iraq misconceptions.
They initially hopped that I'd use my first hand account to substantiate their assumptions about that country. But, as I started to tell it like it is, from the boots on the ground perspective, I quickly gained enemies.
One poster started with his Iraq conspiracy theories. I confronted his assumptions. Next thing you knew, I had a debate on my hands.
When I came back from deployment, I picked up on replying to that thread. It had turned from people wanting to know what's going on in Iraq... to people fighting tooth and nail to preserve their misconceptions.
The opposition wanted to run me off the thread. They pulled the same tactics posters on other message boards pulled. I kept coming back, destroying their arguments.
This didn't bode well with those that disagreed with me. They couldn't stand seeing a logical argument against posts they agreed with. My posts forced them to question their own assumptions.
But, this would've required them to admit that they were wrong. They weren't having it.
The opposition resorted to trying to discredit me. I fought back with facts, and even a witness. I also challenged them to bet on their accusations. They refused.
The thread became a "last word" contest. The opposition shifted from their original argument, to an alternative one. When I hammered them on the alternative, they shifted to another argument.
People complained about my constantly coming back at the opposition. Ironically, these same people didn't complain about the opposition's refusal to stop.
It evolved into an insult contest. This ultimately lead to disgruntled posters running to the moderator. They complained, whined, moaned and groaned about my refusal to quit fighting them. They weren't direct about it. They tried to make it like I was posting for no reason... and that I should've gone somewhere else.
They really wanted me to let them have the last word.
The moderator finally caved in to pressure and locked the thread... denying me my right to free speech, my right to defend myself and my right to finish the fight.
I can't allow bullshit to remain unchallenged. My conscience won't allow it. So time to pick up the debate and complete it. This time, no moderator will be able to save the opposition.
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