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Friday, August 26, 2011

RE (2X) Political Question and Socialist Yada Yada (HR) (I Concur)

Re: YES YES!! My sentiments exactly. Reagan was BIG on International security and NOT SO CONCERNED with what was going on at home here in America. He just wanted to look impressive to the world.

Ronald Reagan was big on both, national security and economic progress. He reduced the tax rates, which gave people incentive to make money. Tax revenues went up as a result. He also reduced many bureaucratic red ribbons hampering many businesses from making as much money as they could be making. That also increased tax revenues.

The economy was stagnating, he shocked it into an economic boom that lifted everybody up.

Re: He was, afterall, an actor.

He was also an anti communist activist. He spent decades leveraging his talents to fighting communism. That fight started when he was an actor working against communist activism within the Hollywood Community.

He leveraged his public speaking status to argue against communism, and argue for ways to fight it.

By the time he entered Washington, he already had a plan that'd end the Soviet threat. It worked.

And get this, the Soviet military was ahead of ours when he took over. By the time he got done, the Soviet military was behind ours. The Soviets maintained their military advantage over us using their full economic capacity. All Reagan had to do was slightly flex our military muscle... the Soviets wouldn't be able to keep up. We were doing this with a small percent of our GDP.

Re: Clinton was an economic genius;

No he wasn't. Remember, the Republicans took over Congress in 1995. It wasn't till then that we headed towards a surplus... the "dot com" bubble also made it possible. We never would've had that surplus if the Republicans never gained numerical advantages in congress.

On a side note, we still had our national debt. That never got paid off.

Re: he handed Dubya an award worthy economy

The "dot com" bubble started to collapse in early 2000, Clinton was still in the White House when that happened. The underplaying currents that'd eventually result in that collapse started to happen in 1998... again, when Clinton was still in the White House.

The economy headed into a recession before George Bush got elected.

Clinton handed a contracting economy to Bush.

Re: and Georgie completely screwed that up.

The dynamics changed in September 11, 2001. A mortal threat faced us, one that we had to deal with at all costs... even with the economy slowing down.

Re: Republicans are famous for economic blunders,

Wrong. Republicans have a working knowledge of how the economy and human psychology works. They have a better understanding of the economy's underplaying drivers. The economy thrives when people can keep more of their own money, and the government reduces its control within the economy.

The Democrats embrace policies that strangle economic recovery.

Re: mishaps,

You hear of Republican mishaps, not Democrat, because the liberal biased media emphasizes the former, and tries the hide the later. Let's take "Fast and Furious" for example. That's a Democrat mishap.

It's far worse than trying to investigate the head of the Justice Department for doing his job.

Yet, "Fast and Furious" isn't getting anywhere near the coverage that the head of the Justice Department got.

Re: ignorance

Don't dismiss the refusal to embrace emotions as being "ignorant." Don't dismiss using the facts to drive ones policy as being "ignorant."

Re: and lack of concern.

Don't mistake the refusal to bring us closer to socialism as having a "lack of concern." Putting people on the government gravy isn't "compassion."

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