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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Back From Iraq--Thompsonx' Reading Comprehension Problems

[quote]ORIGINAL:  thompsonx
[quote]You do realize that many MOS's/ratings supplied the SEAL community, do you? SEAL WASN'T it's own job specialty[/quote]
Actually the navy says it is it is.  The mos for squid seals is 5626.[/quote]

First, if you've ever served, you'd know that the Navy uses "rating" where the Army and Marines use MOS. Also, if you served, you'd know that "SEAL" is an acronym. They're not the "arf arf arf" animal.

I used "MOS" for the benefit of those who've never been in the military... they're more familiar with "MOS" than they are with "rating." But, I included both as we're talking about the Navy.

Second, Your reading comprehension abilities missed this. Let me simplify it for you.

"WASN'T" is past tense. Past tense is applicable to my dad's situation, as he was a SEAL in the past. SEAL became it's own rating this century. My dad retired in the 1970s.

Let's reconstruct our transaction:

"Please make up your mind.  Was your squid daddy a welder or a squid frog/seal?  They really are two seperate mos." --thompsonx

My reply:

"You do realize that many MOS's/ratings supplied the SEAL community, do you? SEAL wasn't it's own job specialty, it received sailors from other ratings. You had radarmen (sp), gunnersmates (sp), boatswainsmates (sp) and so on. Also, in the Navy, if someone was doing a welding job in your AO, you provided a body to do a firewatch on them. So you could have a deck seaman, a mess management specialist, a quartermaster, or a personelman doing the firewatch. On ships carrying marines? You could have marines doing the firewatch. On ships carrying SEALS? You could have a SEAL doing a firewatch." --herfacechair

You implied that since my dad was a SEAL, he couldn't have possibly did the weld job. I responded that SEALS came from other Navy communities.

Stay with me, my dad served until 1974. The time period that we're arguing about happened before the Navy came around to giving the SEALS their own rating/MOS:


Special Warfare Operator (SO) Rating

In May 2006 the U.S. Navy authorized the establishment of the Special Warfare Operator (SO) general rating to allow Enlisted Sailors to focus on rating-specific technology, skill sets, and training systems demanded for the Global War on Terrorism. The rating is also intended to broaden the professional development, career opportunities, and quality of service for these Sailors. This new rating was implemented in October 2006.

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