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Friday, August 26, 2011

RE--Skippy's Mind

If you've previously typed a post, copying and pasting it here shouldn't take long. So, if I "spent all day" typing posts, then there's no way in hell that it'd take me 4 hours to generate my posts here.

Don't assume that you and I type at the same speed. Don't assume that we take the same amount of time to generate a post with a certain length. I'm a speed typist, people have warned me to quit "violating" the "keyboard speed limit" whenever they walked past me while I typed.

For batch posting like what I do here; or times when I'm swamped; I'd use speech to text. "Voicing" the words to my replies made my "typing" anywhere from 3 to 10 times faster than "normal."

Again, "normal" to me is my keyboard sounding like popcorn rapidly popping.

In other words, generating these posts doesn't take that long.

I used copy and paste, not cut and paste. And no, it didn't take me all evening to do it. When I first started, it took me an hour and a half to post everything. I got that down to posting 24 to 30 posts in less than 24 minutes.

As far as the "confrontation," how about telling the people the truth behind your "confronting" me?

This so called "confrontation" involved you and your other personalities demanding that I stop posting. You could've done the adult thing and ignored me. You knew that I was going to reply to you after you replied to me, yet you insisted that I stop on my end while you continued on your end.

That's completely asinine.

I told people that if they wanted me to stop posting, all they had to do was ignore me. That would've been one less post I made. Heck, I wouldn't be back here making my case right now.

The reality is that you couldn't stand my destroying your arguments. You wanted to have your say, but you didn't want me to have mine. THAT'S what the "confrontation" was all about.

By the way, I don't consider you, and your other personalities, as the community.

Before calling someone a loser, I recommend that you take a vacation from craigslist. I recognize your writing on posts dating back to the oldest active posts in this forum.

You crapped the following out:

Remember, a few months ago we had a guy here who spent all day writing political diatribes, then all evening posting them by cut and paste. I recall one day, he published 24 in one 4 hour period. Whenever he was confronted, he would say that he would only stop if people would stop arguing and let him have the last word. I beleive he called himself "Not Fooled". This is obviously either the same guy, or one of his acolytes. Either way, they both are losers.

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