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Friday, August 26, 2011

RE (3X) Political Question (VA Beach) (Knowing the Truth)

The vast majority of the media leans left. People who know nothing other than what they see on TV news media tend to spew liberal tripe and nonsense. A review of the actual policies, that the liberals have a heartache over, tends to show something different from what they saw on TV, and what they're arguing.

Let's take the Patriot Act for example.

Both the Media and the blabbering mouth liberals claim that it takes our rights away. But, a review of the actual document doesn't support any of their claims. It also goes out of its way to support our rights. It also removes the cuffs keeping our law enforcement from truly going after the people who want to commit terror acts against the US.

This is like the laws they used to crack many mafia organizations. People didn't seem to have problems using the law this way... but the intended targets were white, so it probably didn't matter to the frothing mouth liberals.

Don't mistake someone's embracing and spewing emotion based hysteria as "making sense."

If anybody made sense in the serious of posts made, it's the conservative posters.

Reply to: pers-965997441@craigslist.org [?]
Date: 2008-12-21, 12:39PM EST

OH LOOK!! Another know-nothing that only goes by what they see on TV news media. Imagine if they actually read up on policies and what is actually going on. They could actually make sense and not sound like the last 15 Republican posters.

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