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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Back From Iraq--Thompsonx Tries to Comfort His Bruised Ego

thompsonx: Only hfc is debating.  I am having a discussion. (Repeat Point)

You and I are debating, as we're disagreeing on this thread. A discussion happens when people generally agree with each other... or they completely agree with each other. A debate happens when people are disagreeing with each other.

thompsonx: Hfc believes that only his opinion is valid proof of anything.

Don't mistake facts as "opinion."

I'm using an assessment that's based on reasoned argument. This is based on first hand experience, extensive research and facts. This makes me qualified in this topic, not the opposition. None of them deployed to Iraq.

Labeling my argument as "opinion," is the opposition's attempt to "feel good." After all, if it's an "opinion," either debater can be right, and either can be wrong.

I'm calling it as I see it. See above. Labeling my position as "opinion" would be like accusing me of expressing an "opinion" for saying that the car outside is "red."

thompsonx: Those who choose to read this thread will decide for themselves which point of view seems more rational.

People on your side of the argument will side with you, at the expense of facts and content. Critical thinking people will see that my position is valid, and that yours isn't.

Those who've got real military experience will see the facts in the posts that I'm making. They'll know, just by reading my posts, that what I say is valid.

thompsonx: "I have been there believe me"

I'm more qualified, than the opposition, when it comes to Iraq issues. I was there, they weren't. I know what I'm talking about on this topic, the opposition doesn't. Members of the opposition that debate with me are being foolish.

thompsonx: "My squid daddy was a war hero believe me"

I said that he did six combat tours in Vietnam... then I compared him to your lack of military experience. I also used his welding story in reply to someone that said that people "don't" talk about their military experiences.

thompsonx: "My g/f vouches for me believe me"

You insinuated that I was a "phony" more than once. You continued to fail to accept my challenges putting your opinion to the test.

She jumped in. She did both, serve in the military, and saw me first hand. She verified that I'm in the military.

Your labeling her as my "girlfriend" reeks of your utilizing playground tactics in reaction to someone that proved you wrong.

thompsonx: "You are a looser believe me"

I referenced you as a loser as you're asking women on here for their photos... when you could simply step away from your computer and attempt to meet the women in your area.

But again, all we have to do is look at your attitude. I wouldn't be surprised if women didn't want to have anything to do with you in real life.

thompsonx: "You misspelled a word,believe me"

I normally ignore your misuse of certain words, and your misspelling. But since you decided to not see what I meant, based on the trend that I argued, I decided to give you a taste of your own medicine.

thompsonx: "You were never in the military believe me"

Reading your posts makes it painfully obvious that you never served. They demonstrate that you lack real military experience.

thompsonx: "Someone found two ieds with degreaded bio agents that did not work =wmd= reason to go to war, believe me"

Soldiers were treated for those CHEM agents that were a part of the IED. Whether they were "degraded" or not is beside the point.

Those agents got discovered after the invasion, that's a fact. It proves the phony canard, that Iraq had "no" WMD, as nothing but a lie.

I argued our reasons for going to war, and it involved far more than WMD. It was one, but not the only, argument for going into Iraq.

Also, those that the sarin, mustard and blister agent IED's affected got treated for injuries related to those agents. They still had a damaging impact.

thompssonx: "Your cites don't agree with my opinion believe me"

Your Wikipedia article was an opinion piece. The author put it together based on cherry picked information. I turned around and gave you the facts behind what constituted Asymmetrical Warfare.

thompsonx: "I have more toys than you,believe me"

Actually, that's where you're wrong. I don't need toys like you do.

thompsonx: "I get more sex than you do,believe me"

You're perving over women on here, asking them for pictures. That speaks volumes of your sexual frustration.

thompsonx: "You are just jealous, believe me"

My dad did six combat tours in Vietnam. You didn't serve.

You don't come across as accomplishing anything else. I wouldn't be surprised if you look back at your life with disappointment. Your constantly posting your fact and logic deficient nonsense may be an attempt at a false sense of being important.

thompsonx: "You eat shit,believe me"

You spew shit the vast majority of the times you post here... So I joke around about you being a toilet slave.

thompsonx: To some those might be compelling arguements. Others may require something more substantial.

First, what you consider as "more substantial," are things that sate your ego. You dismiss hard core facts if they don't support your disillusioned view of the world.

Second, your paraphrased summary of what I said are your strawman statements.

You take what I say out of context. You ignored the reasoned, fact supported arguments, because you can't address them. In a feeble attempt to stay in the fight, you claim that I said certain things.

This is just you addressing what you wish I said rather than what I actually said. Anybody seeing my posts, without your biases and filters, would see my arguments as substantial.

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