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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

August 2011 Summary

August 2011's posts closes out debates I had on craigslist and collarchat.

The bottom 30 posts are comments closing out my summer 2008 debate on craigslist. I posted as "Not Fooled." 

The posts above them are replies to a closed collarchat thread. This is the thread that I started, titled, "Back From Iraq..." 

If you're reading this, there's a good chance that you post on one of the forums that I've posted on before. If you remember the mass flagger quickly removing my responses to her, you'll find them here. These are posts that she didn't want you to read. They make her look like an idiot.

Did you see my collarchat thread get locked in the summer of 2010? Do you remember me fighting the opposition? You'll find what I would've said in the posts below.

If you're debating me, this should give you a glimpse of how our debate will turn out. I'll keep replying to you until you give up. If something prevents me from getting back to you... a thread lock... a banning... you'll find my replies to you here.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Back From Iraq--Vox Ultima--The Last Word

Back in the summer of 2010, I got into a massive debate on collarchat.

I started a thread, while on R & R from Iraq. I offered to answer questions about Iraq. I wanted to bridge the gap between what the media said, and what's really going on.

The thread started with people thanking me for my service. Some people asked me sincere Iraq questions.

But, most posters weren't having it. Heaven forbid that someone was going to destroy their Iraq misconceptions.

They initially hopped that I'd use my first hand account to substantiate their assumptions about that country. But, as I started to tell it like it is, from the boots on the ground perspective, I quickly gained enemies.

One poster started with his Iraq conspiracy theories. I confronted his assumptions. Next thing you knew, I had a debate on my hands.

When I came back from deployment, I picked up on replying to that thread. It had turned from people wanting to know what's going on in Iraq... to people fighting tooth and nail to preserve their misconceptions.

The opposition wanted to run me off the thread. They pulled the same tactics posters on other message boards pulled. I kept coming back, destroying their arguments.

This didn't bode well with those that disagreed with me. They couldn't stand seeing a logical argument against posts they agreed with. My posts forced them to question their own assumptions.

But, this would've required them to admit that they were wrong. They weren't having it.

The opposition resorted to trying to discredit me. I fought back with facts, and even a witness. I also challenged them to bet on their accusations. They refused.

The thread became a "last word" contest. The opposition shifted from their original argument, to an alternative one. When I hammered them on the alternative, they shifted to another argument.

People complained about my constantly coming back at the opposition. Ironically, these same people didn't complain about the opposition's refusal to stop.

It evolved into an insult contest. This ultimately lead to disgruntled posters running to the moderator. They complained, whined, moaned and groaned about my refusal to quit fighting them. They weren't direct about it. They tried to make it like I was posting for no reason... and that I should've gone somewhere else.

They really wanted me to let them have the last word.

The moderator finally caved in to pressure and locked the thread... denying me my right to free speech, my right to defend myself and my right to finish the fight.

I can't allow bullshit to remain unchallenged. My conscience won't allow it. So time to pick up the debate and complete it. This time, no moderator will be able to save the opposition.

Back From Iraq--Ebony Wood's Strawman and Red Herring Arguments

A big question popped into my head when reading EbonyWood's replies. "Is this person even addressing me? EW quoted my posts, but who is EW arguing against? It definitely isn't against what he just quoted!"

EbonyWood's tactics is consistent with that of someone that stresses easily. These are the people that have a conniption attack when they see direct disagreement. This stress factor turns into anger when a counter argument destroys their argument.

They set stress shields up to protect their egos. This includes building strawmen and shooting them. You'll see this as I progress through EbonyWood's response.

EbonyWood:  Do you ever get anything right?

If I'm posting, I'm getting it right. Your arrogance may not make this obvious to you. On this thread, I'm right. My reasoned argument makes me right. Facts, first hand experience, and extensive research supports my reasoned arguments.

Those opposing me don't have an argument. Logic, research or experience is absent from their arguments in this thread. They simply don't have them. So the opposing side of the argument is wrong, it's that simple.

If I'm arguing on a thread, it's because I know more about a topic than those that I'm debating against.

EbonyWood: The comprehension issue is yours.

WRONG. Not only do I understand what the opposition says, I've got them profiled. I've debated with people like them over the past several years (with a break for my Iraq deployment). I understand what I'm reading.

The problem is on your end, you're demonstrating reading comprehension problems. More on that later.

EbonyWood: I said your awareness of other threads demonstrates that your claim that you only respond in this thread then leave, proves that you are lying.

Watch me demonstrate what I mean by your having a reading comprehension problem. What you said that caused me to say the above:

"At this point, you log into one of your other IDs and go and help out your boys." -- EbonyWood

What I actually said in response:

"I come on here once a day to reply to the drivel that people post in response to me. Then I leave and go somewhere else. I don't jump back in as another username to deal with you people's drivel on the other threads." -- herfacechair

Whether I'm aware of the other threads or not is beside the point.

You accused me of using other names on this board, and of "helping my boys out." Since you failed to understand what I was saying, let me simplify this for you. I post my batches on here, then I go elsewhere. That somewhere else is outside this message board.

I made an exception.

I labeled you a liberal. You challenged me to prove it. I responded to that by going on your collarme profile, and clicking on the button leading to your posts. Sure enough, you said things that incriminated you as a liberal.

Since what you said on my thread was wrong, I had to fact check your claims. When I checked, the opposition was prevailing over your side of the argument... they weren't "coughing up blood," as you claimed.

What does this all boil down to? I checked the other threads so that I could prove you wrong. I succeeded, like everything you said, your statements about what was happening on the other thread was wrong.

What you said is deception at best, a lie at worst.

You implied that I'm participating on the other threads... You implied that I'm also reading those other threads in addition to the thread I debated on... You implied that I'm doing this consistently...

I only focused on this thread until you accused me of participating on other threads... using another username. When I took action to prove you wrong... with your own words... you abandoned your original position. Instead, you accused me of lying.

You're not just satisfied with lying... you're also being shady.

You deliberately quoted me out of context... deleting a statement you knew would make your argument wrong. It forced what you did quote to communicate something that I wasn't communicating.

I added my statement back in, and highlighted it in red, so that what you quoted communicated what I intended to communicate.

Intellectually, you knew that you lost the fight. But, to sate your ego, you pulled the above strawman maneuver. You argued against something that I wasn't communicating. You followed that up with a conclusion based on your misinterpretation of what I said.

If anybody has piss poor reading comprehension, it's you.

Ebony Wood: It's a simple and irrefutable concept son, try and keep up.

I proved your argument wrong with facts, reason and logic. Hence, your argument isn't a simple and irrefutable concept. It's that simple.

Your argument is a strawman argument. Now THAT's an irrefutable concept.

My argument still stands. I only participated on the thread that we debated on.

EbonyWood: And no, you're not pardoned for your incorrect assumptions.

I'd have to make an incorrect assumption before you claim that I made one. You can't entertain whether to pardon something, or not, if the cause for the pardon doesn't exist.

My assessments are dead accurate. My argument is dead accurate when I'm proving you wrong. They're also dead accurate when I'm proving the opposition wrong.

Dismissing my fact based assessment as an "incorrect assumption," is the easier option for you. It allows you to hold onto your own biases, opinions and prejudices... without having to deal with a series of acts that'll disrupt all of that... and destroy your ego in the process.

You're making assumptions in addition to advancing red herring arguments.

EbonyWood: If you want to argue against a proposition that isn't even mine (which you also did in the previous post and I couldn't even be bothered to waste time on), go ahead, but basically you're proving that you lack the ability to attribute correctly.

WRONG. I'm arguing against an assumption you made. My replies are the perfect medicine to your posts. They're also a perfect fit to what you said.

Again, look at the reconstructed exchange that we had. You assumed that I had other usernames. You assumed that I also participated on those other threads.

I turned around and addressed you point by point. My replies were dead accurate, and very applicable to what you just said.

Your comment is equivalent to saying, "Relax, it was just a bad dream." Your ego wants it to be a bad dream so that you could fart an opinion to try to dismiss it.

You're advancing a strawman argument.

You've made things up. You're putting words in my mouth, and arguing against what you thought I said, or meant, rather than what I actually said.

You're no different than thompsonx and others that I've debated here. You people tend to use the same tactics. My refusing to stay with your strawman/red herring approaches is me sticking to to the argument. It's not me arguing against a proposition that "isn't" yours.

It also doesn't constitute my arguing against a proposition that I made.

Again, I'm right on target when I'm addressing your points.

Quit arguing against something that I didn't say. Resist the urge to accuse me of arguing against a proposition you "didn't" make. Deal with getting called out for pulling comments out of your ass... just so that you could have something to say.

EbonyWood: At this point all you're offering is a counter argument to an argument you've constructed yourself.

Again, review our exchange as I've reconstructed it. Those are our own words.

Do realize that I have a habit of saving my replies to these debates. I've got folders with saved comments from debates I've had over the years.

Going back and quoting our actual transaction is as simple as applying "control F." Spare me your deception.

This isn't an argument that I made up, but one that we're actually involved in.

EbonyWood: Enjoy that while I get on with life.

I enjoy replying to you guys. Whether you get on with life or not remains to be seen. If you prove yourself wrong here, I'll use the above statement against you.

EbonyWood: If you need something to do, because basically I just think you have a sociopathic need to vent,

I've repeatedly said that I'll provide a counter rebuttal to a rebuttal to my post. That's a given:

"I'm going to do what I set out to do here. I will continue to destroy the opposition's argument as long as they continue spewing their nonsense here." --herfacechair

Being a reply freak helps me accomplish that.

Don't mistake this as my having a "sociopath need to vent." If anybody is doing that, it's you. Your disregarding what's actually happening in our exchange, and your demeanor, show that you've got a sociopath need to vent.

I've yet to see you advance a reasoned argument.

Back From Iraq--Simply Don't Click on this Thread

"Would anyone like some ear plugs?" -- pahunkboy
Not "listening" to this exchange is an option that posters have. Simply don't click on the thread title of a debate I'm involved with.

Back From Iraq--Thompsonx' Ego Busted

"I am sure that everyone here is convinced of your validity now that your g/f has vouched for you." -- thompsonx 

You gawk at the women that post here. I wouldn't be surprised if you'd be jealous and make that comment.

She isn't my girlfriend. She's an Army veteran.

She met me in person and saw evidence that I was in the Army. After we got together, she came back here and vouched for me. Her verification proves your assumptions, about my being a "phony," wrong.

I'm still waiting for you to answer the question that I asked you that deals with this.

If you had any integrity in you, you'd apologize for calling me a phony. You'll also admit to being wrong. Then you'd thank me for giving you the facts.

Back From Iraq--I've Talked to SEALS, Thompsonx Hasn't

"Yeah right"--thompsonx

What you disagreed with is fact.

I interacted with active duty SEALs two different times when I was in the Navy. The first time was when SEAL team 8 rode on our ship. The second time was when I was TAD to the SEAL compound in Little Creek.

Before that, I interacted with Vietnam veterans who were SEALS. What I told you is based on my interacting with these service members/veterans. Extending one's tour was something individual SEALs had the opportunity to do.

Back From Iraq--Thompsonx Dodges my Statement

"Wrong again.  Marines deploy as units and marine tour of duty was 13 months."-- thompsonx

Pay attention to what you read before you reply.

Where, in what you quoted, do I say that Marine Vietnam deployments were 6 months? The Fleet Marine Force deployed as long as the Amphibious Readiness Groups that carried them deployed. The Amphibious readiness group deployed as long as the Marines needed to be deployed.

Those deployments generally ranged from 6 to 9 months... or longer if the mission required it. There were also Marines that didn't deploy on ships, who deployed to Vietnam.

Obviously, 13 months is included in the 6 months and up category.

Your narrow focus in this argument speaks strongly against you having served in Vietnam.

Back From Iraq--Public Drinking Frowned on in the Arab World

[quote]ORIGINAL:  NorthernGent
I have a question/s: do they have any decent pubs in Iraq? How much is the beer? Does the bar wench have tits you could lose a badger in? [/quote]
We didn't see any pubs, or bars, while doing our dismounted patrols and mounted patrols. Women are required to be fully clothed. The Arab world generally frowns on public drinking. Iraq included.

Baghdad may have been a different story but our AO didn't cover that city. We were in one of the provinces.

Back From Iraq--Thompsonx Relies on a Wiki Article

[quote]ORIGINAL: thompsonx
The wiki article is pretty heavily footnoted...it would seem you are disagreeing with all of those also.
If wiki is so easily manipulated why don't you go fix it [/quote]
Your comment is beside the point. I doubt that you'd embrace a heavily footnoted article if you disagreed with it. In fact, you dismiss my argument as "opinion," while ignoring the first hand account it's based on.

Using your logic, you're disagreeing with what I saw in Iraq.

I'm not disagreeing with the sources. I'm disagreeing with the author. The author cherry picked information that supported his/her opinion. That doesn't change the fact that he/she was off.

That article's approach used the, "There's a difference in size and strength, so let's resort to guerrilla tactics," approach to describe asymmetrical warfare.

The article did touch up on multi-dimensional warfare, but tried to "diminish" that angle. Asymmetrical warfare IS multi-dimensional; many of those dimensions defy what people see as war, acts of war, imminent threat, etc.

Your sarcastically telling me to go "fix it," proves that your wiki article should be taken with a grain of salt. Wikipedia doesn't have any real credibility.

As a professional writer, I refrain from using Wikipedia articles as sources.

Back From Iraq--Thompsonx Changes His Story

[quote]ORIGINAL:  thompsonx
[quote]thompsonx: If you try to weld with safety glasses on and not the proper shade of lense in your goggles you go blind.
Wrong. I know of allot of people that did fire watch with just clear goggles, they were right up on the welder. Their eye sights were still good.
Not all welding jobs produce enough lights and sparks to make someone want to turn away from the sparks. Most of times, you could look at the sparks without any protection, and not go blind, or get hit by a spark.[/quote]
thompsonx: The aws(american welding society) disagrees with your "expert opinion" My post referenced the weld PUDDLE not SPARKS. Please try to use your alleged speed reading abilities to try to comprehend what you are reading[/quote]

My speed reading helps me comprehend what I'm reading... it's not designed to see what you want me to see.

There's nothing "alleged" about my speed reading abilities, I actually do that. I understand what I'm reading.

Your strawman arguments are part of the problem. You're also advancing red herring statements.

Now, let's hang you with your own words again:

The firewatch guy is standing by with his fire extinguisher watching the SPARKS that are caused by the welder and making sure that they do not catch anything on fire." -- thompsonx

"Now when your squid daddy put on the welders helmet how was he able to see where the SPARKS went?" --thompsonx

"According to the aws(american welding society) the minimum shade used in welding gogles for oxy/acetylene is #5...this would preclude the welder from seeing where the SPARKS were falling." --thompsonx

I could go on, but do you see a trend?

You consistently argued sparks, and I argued that the sparks weren't the issue that you made them out to be. You mentioned sparks, I replied addressing sparks. This is proof that there's no problem with my reading comprehension abilities, or my speed reading abilities.

Your mentioning of "puddles" is something you did in the post that I'm addressing here. It's something new in your argument.

You're utilizing strawman and red herring statements. You're doing this to compensate for your inability to argue your position. You can't prevail with your one point, so you shift to another point.

The association that you talked about describes what should happen.

What happens in the real world; however, doesn't match with what they say should happen. And weld puddles? Every weld job that I've seen in the Navy and Army didn't produce the sparks of the intensity that you're portraying, and NONE left weld puddles.

Again, I'm not giving you opinion, but fact.

Here, answer these questions:

Does the state you live in require you to drive at the speed limit? YES [   ] NO [   ]

Does everybody in your state drive at the speed limit? YES [   ] NO [   ]

Just because the state sets a speed limit doesn't mean that everybody is going to drive under the limit. Likewise, just because welders are required to wear welding eye protection doesn't mean that every welder will follow that.

You're getting bogged down with book knowledge. You're disregarding human nature and common sense. You're foolishly debating against someone arguing from first hand experience.

Back From Iraq--Thompsonx' Reading Comprehension Problems

[quote]ORIGINAL:  thompsonx
[quote]You do realize that many MOS's/ratings supplied the SEAL community, do you? SEAL WASN'T it's own job specialty[/quote]
Actually the navy says it is it is.  The mos for squid seals is 5626.[/quote]

First, if you've ever served, you'd know that the Navy uses "rating" where the Army and Marines use MOS. Also, if you served, you'd know that "SEAL" is an acronym. They're not the "arf arf arf" animal.

I used "MOS" for the benefit of those who've never been in the military... they're more familiar with "MOS" than they are with "rating." But, I included both as we're talking about the Navy.

Second, Your reading comprehension abilities missed this. Let me simplify it for you.

"WASN'T" is past tense. Past tense is applicable to my dad's situation, as he was a SEAL in the past. SEAL became it's own rating this century. My dad retired in the 1970s.

Let's reconstruct our transaction:

"Please make up your mind.  Was your squid daddy a welder or a squid frog/seal?  They really are two seperate mos." --thompsonx

My reply:

"You do realize that many MOS's/ratings supplied the SEAL community, do you? SEAL wasn't it's own job specialty, it received sailors from other ratings. You had radarmen (sp), gunnersmates (sp), boatswainsmates (sp) and so on. Also, in the Navy, if someone was doing a welding job in your AO, you provided a body to do a firewatch on them. So you could have a deck seaman, a mess management specialist, a quartermaster, or a personelman doing the firewatch. On ships carrying marines? You could have marines doing the firewatch. On ships carrying SEALS? You could have a SEAL doing a firewatch." --herfacechair

You implied that since my dad was a SEAL, he couldn't have possibly did the weld job. I responded that SEALS came from other Navy communities.

Stay with me, my dad served until 1974. The time period that we're arguing about happened before the Navy came around to giving the SEALS their own rating/MOS:


Special Warfare Operator (SO) Rating

In May 2006 the U.S. Navy authorized the establishment of the Special Warfare Operator (SO) general rating to allow Enlisted Sailors to focus on rating-specific technology, skill sets, and training systems demanded for the Global War on Terrorism. The rating is also intended to broaden the professional development, career opportunities, and quality of service for these Sailors. This new rating was implemented in October 2006.

Back From Iraq--Thompsonx Backed What I Said While Arguing Against It

thompsonx: If the marines were part of the "ships company" (ie: seagoing marines) you are wrong...never gonna happen.

If you were a veteran, you would've called them the Fleet Marine Force, not the "seagoing marines." Also, they've done firewatches for welders in their AO. If you were talking about the Marine security detachment on the ships, they discontinued that.

They never were called "sea going Marines." They were referred to as "embarked Marines" or "attached Marines." They had other labels, but not "seagoing Marines."

thompsonx: If the marines were being transported, the only firewatch that they would ever stand would be in those areas of their billets or where their gear was stored.

Hence what I said:

"You could have marines doing the firewatch." -- herfacechair.

Thanks for proving my point. Also, these Marines are the Fleet Marine Force. What you described is that they do firewatches in their AO.

AO doesn't just describe areas of operation in the theater. We also use "AO" to describe the areas, or spaces, that we're personally responsible for. Hence, "Where their gear was stored," is their AO. By logical extension, what I said, they'll do firewatch in their AOs.

thompsonx: This conversation was about a civilian welder that your dad was suppose to be the firewatch for.  Which could only happen in port. (Red Herring Statement)

The point I made with the welder is that what you said didn't match reality. Hence, you didn't serve. You tried to act like you "knew" what you were talking about by referencing something that you read on the Internet.

Where the firewatch took place at is beside the point. Also, my dad was still the firewatch, despite his doing the welding for the welder.

Back From Iraq--Thompsonx Tries to Dismiss First Hand Experience

[quote]ORIGINAL:  thompsonx
[quote]ORIGINAL:  NorthernGent
I have a question/s: do they have any decent pubs in Iraq? How much is the beer? Does the bar wench have tits you could lose a badger in? [/quote]
I wouldn't have a clue mate.  HFC claims to be the resident expert on things sandbox.[/quote]

What I actually said:

"I never made that claim. I simply stated that since I was there, I have first-hand experiences of what goes on in that country. I took every opportunity to point out that the people I was debating with didn't deploy to Iraq, or weren't there recently. Hence, I have a better vantage point on this topic than the opposition. This also means that I'm more qualified to talk about this topic than the opposition." -- herfacechair

Since I'm the one in this debate that has been to Iraq, NorthernGent naturally directed that question to me.

Back From Iraq--Thompsonx Confuses Debates and Discussions

"Thompson, did you win this debate- or did HFC?"--pahunkboy

You win by advancing a reasoned, logical argument. This argument must be based on all or a combination of the following: First hand experience, extensive research and facts.  The opposition failed to do that.

Thompsonx steadily shifted from his original arguments. That's a tactic that the losing side of the argument pulls. They do this in hopes of getting the last word. The opposition consistently uses strawman arguments, red herring statements, inductive fallacy, etc.

The opposition lost the moment they posted on the original thread.

Back From Iraq--Thompsonx Tries to Comfort His Bruised Ego

thompsonx: Only hfc is debating.  I am having a discussion. (Repeat Point)

You and I are debating, as we're disagreeing on this thread. A discussion happens when people generally agree with each other... or they completely agree with each other. A debate happens when people are disagreeing with each other.

thompsonx: Hfc believes that only his opinion is valid proof of anything.

Don't mistake facts as "opinion."

I'm using an assessment that's based on reasoned argument. This is based on first hand experience, extensive research and facts. This makes me qualified in this topic, not the opposition. None of them deployed to Iraq.

Labeling my argument as "opinion," is the opposition's attempt to "feel good." After all, if it's an "opinion," either debater can be right, and either can be wrong.

I'm calling it as I see it. See above. Labeling my position as "opinion" would be like accusing me of expressing an "opinion" for saying that the car outside is "red."

thompsonx: Those who choose to read this thread will decide for themselves which point of view seems more rational.

People on your side of the argument will side with you, at the expense of facts and content. Critical thinking people will see that my position is valid, and that yours isn't.

Those who've got real military experience will see the facts in the posts that I'm making. They'll know, just by reading my posts, that what I say is valid.

thompsonx: "I have been there believe me"

I'm more qualified, than the opposition, when it comes to Iraq issues. I was there, they weren't. I know what I'm talking about on this topic, the opposition doesn't. Members of the opposition that debate with me are being foolish.

thompsonx: "My squid daddy was a war hero believe me"

I said that he did six combat tours in Vietnam... then I compared him to your lack of military experience. I also used his welding story in reply to someone that said that people "don't" talk about their military experiences.

thompsonx: "My g/f vouches for me believe me"

You insinuated that I was a "phony" more than once. You continued to fail to accept my challenges putting your opinion to the test.

She jumped in. She did both, serve in the military, and saw me first hand. She verified that I'm in the military.

Your labeling her as my "girlfriend" reeks of your utilizing playground tactics in reaction to someone that proved you wrong.

thompsonx: "You are a looser believe me"

I referenced you as a loser as you're asking women on here for their photos... when you could simply step away from your computer and attempt to meet the women in your area.

But again, all we have to do is look at your attitude. I wouldn't be surprised if women didn't want to have anything to do with you in real life.

thompsonx: "You misspelled a word,believe me"

I normally ignore your misuse of certain words, and your misspelling. But since you decided to not see what I meant, based on the trend that I argued, I decided to give you a taste of your own medicine.

thompsonx: "You were never in the military believe me"

Reading your posts makes it painfully obvious that you never served. They demonstrate that you lack real military experience.

thompsonx: "Someone found two ieds with degreaded bio agents that did not work =wmd= reason to go to war, believe me"

Soldiers were treated for those CHEM agents that were a part of the IED. Whether they were "degraded" or not is beside the point.

Those agents got discovered after the invasion, that's a fact. It proves the phony canard, that Iraq had "no" WMD, as nothing but a lie.

I argued our reasons for going to war, and it involved far more than WMD. It was one, but not the only, argument for going into Iraq.

Also, those that the sarin, mustard and blister agent IED's affected got treated for injuries related to those agents. They still had a damaging impact.

thompssonx: "Your cites don't agree with my opinion believe me"

Your Wikipedia article was an opinion piece. The author put it together based on cherry picked information. I turned around and gave you the facts behind what constituted Asymmetrical Warfare.

thompsonx: "I have more toys than you,believe me"

Actually, that's where you're wrong. I don't need toys like you do.

thompsonx: "I get more sex than you do,believe me"

You're perving over women on here, asking them for pictures. That speaks volumes of your sexual frustration.

thompsonx: "You are just jealous, believe me"

My dad did six combat tours in Vietnam. You didn't serve.

You don't come across as accomplishing anything else. I wouldn't be surprised if you look back at your life with disappointment. Your constantly posting your fact and logic deficient nonsense may be an attempt at a false sense of being important.

thompsonx: "You eat shit,believe me"

You spew shit the vast majority of the times you post here... So I joke around about you being a toilet slave.

thompsonx: To some those might be compelling arguements. Others may require something more substantial.

First, what you consider as "more substantial," are things that sate your ego. You dismiss hard core facts if they don't support your disillusioned view of the world.

Second, your paraphrased summary of what I said are your strawman statements.

You take what I say out of context. You ignored the reasoned, fact supported arguments, because you can't address them. In a feeble attempt to stay in the fight, you claim that I said certain things.

This is just you addressing what you wish I said rather than what I actually said. Anybody seeing my posts, without your biases and filters, would see my arguments as substantial.

Back From Iraq--Thompsonx Can't Recognize a Fact

[quote]ORIGINAL:  thishereboi
[quote]ORIGINAL:  Aylee
[quote]ORIGINAL: thompsonx
[quote]thompsonx: I am sure that would have made his gulivarian escapades in iraq much easier
Don't dismiss a mission out in sector as a "Gulliverian escapade." Your attitude on this post proves your hatred of the military. [/quote]
No I just like pointing out phonies[/quote]
I am making an appearance to say that I have met HFC, he is human, and he is in the military. Infantry and all.[/quote]
While I think it is great that you came on here and defended HFC, I honestly doubt it will do any good. Some posters have way too much fun ripping others apart to let facts get in their way.[/quote]

The opposition tries ripping me apart. I just destroy their arguments and them. The icing on the cake is when I use their actual statements against them.

She and I met and hung out at her town. I knew from the beginning that the opposition wasn't going to be receptive to the facts. Her mentioning the fact that I'm in the military helps me force my opponents to eat their own words for insinuating that I'm a "poser."

Back From Iraq--Thompsonx Tries to Dodge Being Owned

[quote]ORIGINAL:  thompsonx
Me too...everyone thinks it is kewel when a girl sticks up for her fella.  Just like hillary and bill. It really is sweet.[/quote]

She's a poster here. She doesn't believe in letting people get away with fact deficient statements. Especially if it's about someone that she met. She couldn't resist the opportunity to jump on here and prove someone wrong... based on her first hand observation.

Back From Iraq--LaTigresse Attempts Character Assassination to Protect Her Lack of Integrity

[quote]ORIGINAL:  LaTigresse
So he's military.......doesn't make him a decent human being and he has already proven he's not that. I've met a lot of worthless fucks that were military. One was my exhusband's father. Mega worthless fuck but a career military man.[/quote]

You judge the term "decent" by whether someone buys your stories or not. You also judge someones decency by whether you agree with them or not.

Here are two main issues you have with me.

One is that I dare voice something that you disagree with. My having a first hand account of what we're talking about burns you alive. My first hand observations' contradicting your beliefs boils your blood.

Your second issue with me is that I dare call you out on your stories. You made these up in a feeble attempt to give yourself validity in this argument.

Your criteria for what constitutes a "decent human being" is emotion based, not fact based. Your contempt for the military painfully shows in your posts. 

Back From Iraq-Thompsonx Still Tries to Massage His Bruised Ego

[quote]ORIGINAL:  thompsonx
Perhaps they are both 15 and very much in love[/quote]

Yup, still refuse to come to terms with the fact that you're wrong. Your pride is simply too big to swallow. So it's easier for you to think that we're "teenagers in love," than it is for you to accept that you're wrong.

Accepting that you're wrong requires you to have the integrity to disengage from the debate.

The fact that we're both adults... the fact that her first hand observations proves your opinions wrong... all these don't cause you to revise your position after her statement.

Your childish antiques are you setting stress shields up to protect your fragile ego. It's a good thing that Lady Boom Boom doesn't disagree with your position... otherwise you'd also get the "not a decent human being" label.

Back From Iraq--Juliaoceania Deliberately Hijacks My Thread

"Fuck, I hit this thread thinking I would be in the bathroom" -- Juliaoceania

If you weren't drunk with stupidity, you wouldn't have mistaken my thread as one of yours. 

Back From Iraq--Laurell3 Conspires to Hijack My Thread

"WELL....looks around.............there are some similarities..........." --laurell3

The only similarities that I see are those between an Iraqi bathroom and your posts.

Tell your one brain celled operation to quit trying to take you over. Tell it to start doing its job or you'll sue it for lack of support. You could also threaten it with a bottle of beer... you know, the "killing brain cells" thing.

Back From Iraq--Juliaoceania Wants to Curtail My Freedom of Speech

[quote]ORIGINAL: juliaoceania
[quote]ORIGINAL: laurell3
WELL....looks around.............there are some similarities...........[/quote]
So, what you are saying is that my confusion is understandable[/quote]

Considering that your one brain celled activity is trying to revolt against you... yes... she'd understand your confusion... The same thing is happening to her.

Back From Iraq--Slvemike4u sucks Juliaoceania's Cock

"It's the fog of war Julia...or at least I hope that's what it is." -- slvemike4u

It's a couple of women that disagree with my side of the argument. They substitute flapping their yaps for a real argument. They could've easily stayed out of the thread, but they didn't have the integrity to. Attacking conservatives runs in their veins.

Back From Iraq--Juliaoceania Enjoys the Cock sucking She's Receiving

"Juliaoceania-- Ha Ha"

Go back to the education system that pushed you to graduation. Sue them for dereliction of duty in your case. Ask for your money back.

Back From Iraq--VideoAdminRho Caves in to Whiners

"This thread had degenerated into hijacks and personal attacks rather than discussion of the topic.
*click*" - VideoAdminRho


*Puts bolt cutters aside*

Two things were happening on that thread.

The first one is that it was dying on its own. This happens on every online debate I have where nobody comes in and locks the thread. It starts with the topic, then shifts. It turns into a debate about debate tactics before becoming insults.

The thread ends when the opposition does what the smart posters did early in the thread... ignore my posts.

They all eventually give up the fight.

The opposition made a futile attempt to drive me away from the thread. They couldn't win the fight, so they gunned for the last word. I wouldn't let them have it. They utilized the same tactics others used against me in the past. I responded in kind.

Others jumped in to do personal attacks just to get the thread locked.

Many ran to you, crying and sporting figurative ego bruises, begging you to lock the thread.

They could've taken responsibility for their own actions. This means knowing that they can't control my actions. They could only control their actions. Instead of demanding that I should stop, they should've stopped giving me incentives to come back.

If they honest to God wanted me to stop posting, they would've quit replying to me. They adopted a phony "high ground" moral argument instead of admitting the obvious... that they wanted the last word.

They ultimately didn't care if they were right or wrong. They just wanted the last word.

They couldn't stand seeing their side of the argument get pummeled. They couldn't stand the idea that someone on the other side of the argument would dare continue to argue against them... instead of "giving up."

They could've had the integrity to give up a fight they lost the moment they jumped in. That would've been the adult thing to do. That's what they'd tell their kids and grand-kids to do if they were in similar situations.

But no. Like children, they ran to you and whined about getting the thread closed.

You should've told them to put their adult britches on. You should've told them to take what's coming to them. You should've told them to grow the fuck up and take their medicine.

You should've told them that you see right through their ploy... That they should ignore me if they wanted the thread to go away. The mere fact that they're still arguing against me proves that they're gunning for the same thing that I'm gunning for.

You couldn't force them to put their adult britches on. You caved in to pressure instead.

When you locked the thread, you missed an important opportunity.

I've posted on a message board with absolutely no moderation. The board administrators went absent, and let the posters have at it. I saw something that I've never seen happen on moderated boards.

People, from opposing sides, actually carried clean conversations. People wore their adult britches and acted like adults. Even trolls became productive board members.

How did this become possible?

A message board where the moderators don't change the playing field is like a town where everybody owns a gun. Your incentive to behave skyrockets.

Now that you locked that thread, posters can attack each other with impunity. The losing side knows that they could always run to the moderators. All they have to do, in the face of defeat, is to beg the moderator to change the playing field. This means locking or pulling a thread.

And you people wonder why you have to keep screaming the same thing year in and year out.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Hampton Roads Craigslist's R & R Mass Flagger Lost This Fight in the Long Run


The posts below this are posts that sensitive people complained about.

Back in the summer of 2008, I had a debate with the mass flagger, her clones, and her allies. This debate took place in the Hampton Roads, Virginia, Rants and Raves forums.

I got the best of the opposition. They made up for their failure, at being debaters, by abusing flagging software. One person drove this effort, and it happened to be the main person I debated with.

I saved the flagged posts, plus new replies, for future posting. The timeframe for these posts run from August to December, 2008.

By 2010, the mass flagger got all crazy with the flagging software. Not satisfied with flagging posts that she disagreed with, she flagged every single post made each day.

I decided to wait more.

Then, after dealing with morons that run to moderators to get threads locked... before I could come back and finish the debate... I came up with an idea.

Create an online presence that'll guarantee that I fire the final shot on any online debate that I got involved with. Presto... this blog was born.

So, below is the final shot that the mass flagger will never be able to flag out of existence. The mass flagger's debate related posts are gone... they couldn't live past the 45 day limit.

Her refusal to let me fire the final shot worked against her in the long run.

My rebuttals, as well as the posts that I'm rebutting to, will be up here for as long as I want to keep this blog up. Software and site permitting... this will be decades.

So please scroll down and watch me destroy the mass flagger, her clones and her allies.

RE (3X) Why the Hell am I Getting Flagged??? (BOOBSVILLE) (2X)

What's good for one is good for the other

No matter how you try to twist words around, political posts and boobs posts have similar standing. If you post boobs posts as "raves," then you have to have the integrity to accept that political rants are rants. If you dismiss the political posts as arguments that really shouldn't be here, then you should have the integrity to realize that pictures of boobs don't belong here as they're not raves.

They also violate Craigslist's terms of use, which prohibits posting of both pornography, and pornography depicting sexual interaction.

I'm not arguing against your posting them here. But if you're going to argue against politics related posts, then you need to stop applying double standards.

As for rants and raves not being a place for arguments. Rants and Raves isn't a place for discussions either.

Jumping into a political debate? You need to get your facts straight before claiming that these posts consists of inaccurate statements. You have to prove that by responding to the posts, and presenting your argument as to why you think they're inaccurate statements.

Speaking of thinking.

You claim that political posts are plain old stupid thinking. What do you call the "thinking" involved in posting breast pictures? Doesn't require much thought doesn't it? It takes lots of thinking to keep an argument going. It takes smart thinking to continue to present a reasoned argument each time one comes back to respond.

Having said that, I don't oppose your posting of women's breasts on this forum. I don't oppose Buttlicker's posting of women's asses here either.

You said:

You have a point, (BTW I did NOT say they did not have a right to post here so please don't put words in my mouth, boobs yes words no.)but if you look at most of the political post they are neither rants or raves they are on going "arguments" most are filled with inaccurate statements, racism, and just plain old stupid thinking.

Where as Buttlicker and others truly are RAVING about the female form, we are not debating over which part of the human body is better just raving about what we like. Nor are we generally attacking others for their views although Buttlicker does some times takes offence to comments made by others, although he does have more than his share of imposters trying to degrade him and his views. I for one don't care if someone likes or dislikes my views. Why? Because they are MY views and opinions and I don't know you and you don't know me and I only come here to blow off a little steam and have some fun.

Peace and have a great day.

Craigslist--Another Obamabot Speaks

That wasn't made up. Someone went into an area with heavy Obama support. His supporters honest to God didn't really know what was going on. They got jacked up with information they should've known... had they watched the news.

This shows that the Obama supporters were mostly following the herd. They ran with information their friends and family gave them. It was a case of blind leading the blind, garbage in and garbage out.


Can you say, "sheeple'?


craigslist--re:dummasscrats (thats what you are) (Ha ha ha)

Basically you're a fucking liar. You completely made up that shit about Obama supporters thinking Palin would be his running mate. Hey dumb ass...she's a republican. Nobody ever considered her for Obama. You're a fucking idiot. Go beat your head against the wall in frustration some more. YOU LOST ass wipe!!!

RE--Thanks For Spreading More Manure

You've probably lost count of how many times people said that to you... just by blasting your drivel away with a fact based post.

It must pain you that more and more are waking up to reality... and are refusing the crap spewing from your anointed one in the White House. How are people responding to his upcoming "jobs" speech?

"More BS!"

Liberals will take a beating in 2012, because nobody, that matters, plans to buy their bullshit.

Your best bet is for things to change for the better between now and the elections.

Reply to: pers-966064451@craigslist.org [?]
Date: 2008-12-21, 1:42PM EST


RE (3X) Political Question (VA Beach) (Knowing the Truth)

The vast majority of the media leans left. People who know nothing other than what they see on TV news media tend to spew liberal tripe and nonsense. A review of the actual policies, that the liberals have a heartache over, tends to show something different from what they saw on TV, and what they're arguing.

Let's take the Patriot Act for example.

Both the Media and the blabbering mouth liberals claim that it takes our rights away. But, a review of the actual document doesn't support any of their claims. It also goes out of its way to support our rights. It also removes the cuffs keeping our law enforcement from truly going after the people who want to commit terror acts against the US.

This is like the laws they used to crack many mafia organizations. People didn't seem to have problems using the law this way... but the intended targets were white, so it probably didn't matter to the frothing mouth liberals.

Don't mistake someone's embracing and spewing emotion based hysteria as "making sense."

If anybody made sense in the serious of posts made, it's the conservative posters.

Reply to: pers-965997441@craigslist.org [?]
Date: 2008-12-21, 12:39PM EST

OH LOOK!! Another know-nothing that only goes by what they see on TV news media. Imagine if they actually read up on policies and what is actually going on. They could actually make sense and not sound like the last 15 Republican posters.

RE (2X) Political Question and Socialist Yada Yada (HR) (I Concur)

Re: YES YES!! My sentiments exactly. Reagan was BIG on International security and NOT SO CONCERNED with what was going on at home here in America. He just wanted to look impressive to the world.

Ronald Reagan was big on both, national security and economic progress. He reduced the tax rates, which gave people incentive to make money. Tax revenues went up as a result. He also reduced many bureaucratic red ribbons hampering many businesses from making as much money as they could be making. That also increased tax revenues.

The economy was stagnating, he shocked it into an economic boom that lifted everybody up.

Re: He was, afterall, an actor.

He was also an anti communist activist. He spent decades leveraging his talents to fighting communism. That fight started when he was an actor working against communist activism within the Hollywood Community.

He leveraged his public speaking status to argue against communism, and argue for ways to fight it.

By the time he entered Washington, he already had a plan that'd end the Soviet threat. It worked.

And get this, the Soviet military was ahead of ours when he took over. By the time he got done, the Soviet military was behind ours. The Soviets maintained their military advantage over us using their full economic capacity. All Reagan had to do was slightly flex our military muscle... the Soviets wouldn't be able to keep up. We were doing this with a small percent of our GDP.

Re: Clinton was an economic genius;

No he wasn't. Remember, the Republicans took over Congress in 1995. It wasn't till then that we headed towards a surplus... the "dot com" bubble also made it possible. We never would've had that surplus if the Republicans never gained numerical advantages in congress.

On a side note, we still had our national debt. That never got paid off.

Re: he handed Dubya an award worthy economy

The "dot com" bubble started to collapse in early 2000, Clinton was still in the White House when that happened. The underplaying currents that'd eventually result in that collapse started to happen in 1998... again, when Clinton was still in the White House.

The economy headed into a recession before George Bush got elected.

Clinton handed a contracting economy to Bush.

Re: and Georgie completely screwed that up.

The dynamics changed in September 11, 2001. A mortal threat faced us, one that we had to deal with at all costs... even with the economy slowing down.

Re: Republicans are famous for economic blunders,

Wrong. Republicans have a working knowledge of how the economy and human psychology works. They have a better understanding of the economy's underplaying drivers. The economy thrives when people can keep more of their own money, and the government reduces its control within the economy.

The Democrats embrace policies that strangle economic recovery.

Re: mishaps,

You hear of Republican mishaps, not Democrat, because the liberal biased media emphasizes the former, and tries the hide the later. Let's take "Fast and Furious" for example. That's a Democrat mishap.

It's far worse than trying to investigate the head of the Justice Department for doing his job.

Yet, "Fast and Furious" isn't getting anywhere near the coverage that the head of the Justice Department got.

Re: ignorance

Don't dismiss the refusal to embrace emotions as being "ignorant." Don't dismiss using the facts to drive ones policy as being "ignorant."

Re: and lack of concern.

Don't mistake the refusal to bring us closer to socialism as having a "lack of concern." Putting people on the government gravy isn't "compassion."

RE (3X) Political Question (VA Beach)

If you're going to lecture someone about proper spelling and grammar, then work on proper formatting.

Ever heard of separating individual ideas into individual paragraphs? Even if you don't do that with every idea, you should mind your audience and cater to them. For a typical Rants and Raves reader, the long paragraph block is too much effort.

You're not coming to craigslist rants and raves to look for employees that could properly fill an application out. You're not coming to this forum to find people that could dress properly. You're not coming to Rants and Raves to hire people who could spell properly.

Heck, you're not coming to Rants and Raves to make wise business decisions. In fact, if you're reading Rants and Raves during business hours, you may not be making a wise decision.

Now, here are a couple things that employers look for when reviewing both the application and applicant. If the person doesn't care about himself, how will that person care about the business? How will that person represent himself in that business?

Also, if a person doesn't spell something right, that may be because the person doesn't care for attention to detail. If the person doesn't care about getting certain words right, what's stopping that person from not caring about how work procedures are done?

These factors play in a business role, but don't play on Rants and Raves.

So the poster that you responded to is right.

People don't come to Rants and Raves to find out who's got the best chance to win the Pulitzer Prize. They come to R&R for entertainment purposes.

People with real game in them will address what's being said. They wouldn't focus on how it's said as their sole point of attack. People with no game will zero in on spelling and grammar, and not pay attention to content.

Your post is partisan driven. You're attacking the poster for daring to express something conservative. You're attacking them for disagreeing with something that you agree in. I see the mistakes you complain about on both sides of the argument, yet you're taking issue with this poster for not drinking your Kool Aid.

Reply to: pers-965976904@craigslist.org [?]
Date: 2008-12-21, 12:21PM EST

GREAT POINTS! However,unfortunately people will call you names because of your spelling and sentence structure. Wake up, people. Stop being an english teacher and start being a U.S.Gov't. teacher. Reply to the idea of the post (if capabale), not the structure! Sometimes the best educated are the STUPIDEST people! (ie:Kennedys, Clintons, Pelosie, Gore,Blagojevich,Jackson,Sharpton)

******It has nothing to do with being an English teacher...it's about common sense. It's about just being too fucking lazy to use a simple tool called Spellcheck.
Yes, moron, it does matter to people who are actually educated. Perhaps you are just too stupid to understand this yourself.
If you owned a business and were hiring an employee, would you honestly hire a person that couldn't even correctly fill out an application? Would you hire someone who didn't think it was important enough to dress for the interview or would you hire him with his pants hanging around his ankle? If you had your own business, you'd understand that these days, you have to make wise decisions. Would you take a chance hiring an idiot that can't spell and wears his pants down low? Can you imagine the actual PAYING customers this would scare away? Maybe you just can't understand the importance of not looking like or sounding like a total fucking idiot. Yes, it's very important. I, seriously, can't take anything this guy says as anything intelligent. All I see is some idiot who "SHOULD HAVE STAYED IN SCHOOL," and some bitter Republican who is "THE ONLY ONE TO TAKE UP FOR THIS MORON." Yes, this makes you look like a total fucking moron, too, but obviously, you must be close to this guy's "lack of intelligence" level, as you hang on his every "ignorant" word. Keep saying "it doesn't matter." Clearly, to the majority of intelligent people, it does matter. Except to other idiots who just can't grasp the truth.

RE--Craigslist People

Dumbing a post down doesn't constitute working harder or smarter.

You said:

Such a long diatribe. I can only remember "poast"

Work SMARTER, not harder!

RE--Kas Shouldn't Flag Jiffy, I Mean, Skippy (left-cerebral hemisphere)

Only a loser with his head shoved so far up his ass that he needs a glass belly button to see would post like you.

You start your comment with "freedom of speech," despite someone making six posts, then completely disregard that for someone that posts more. You should be talking about limited, restricted, or curtailed freedom of speech with that attitude.

I searched Kas' posts at the time you said this, and didn't see any post where she left a picture up. I could tell that you haven't met her; otherwise you wouldn't be talking like you're just getting to know her.

I wouldn't be surprised if you're behind many of the troll posts.

You spewed:

Kas, let the guy have his freedom of speech. He posted five, six, or, seven parts, but, how many dumb-asses post twenty-five times a day?

By the way, I think you're cute, and, I'm athletic. A Pittsburgh Penguins fan, originally from upstate NY.

RE--Skippy's Mind

If you've previously typed a post, copying and pasting it here shouldn't take long. So, if I "spent all day" typing posts, then there's no way in hell that it'd take me 4 hours to generate my posts here.

Don't assume that you and I type at the same speed. Don't assume that we take the same amount of time to generate a post with a certain length. I'm a speed typist, people have warned me to quit "violating" the "keyboard speed limit" whenever they walked past me while I typed.

For batch posting like what I do here; or times when I'm swamped; I'd use speech to text. "Voicing" the words to my replies made my "typing" anywhere from 3 to 10 times faster than "normal."

Again, "normal" to me is my keyboard sounding like popcorn rapidly popping.

In other words, generating these posts doesn't take that long.

I used copy and paste, not cut and paste. And no, it didn't take me all evening to do it. When I first started, it took me an hour and a half to post everything. I got that down to posting 24 to 30 posts in less than 24 minutes.

As far as the "confrontation," how about telling the people the truth behind your "confronting" me?

This so called "confrontation" involved you and your other personalities demanding that I stop posting. You could've done the adult thing and ignored me. You knew that I was going to reply to you after you replied to me, yet you insisted that I stop on my end while you continued on your end.

That's completely asinine.

I told people that if they wanted me to stop posting, all they had to do was ignore me. That would've been one less post I made. Heck, I wouldn't be back here making my case right now.

The reality is that you couldn't stand my destroying your arguments. You wanted to have your say, but you didn't want me to have mine. THAT'S what the "confrontation" was all about.

By the way, I don't consider you, and your other personalities, as the community.

Before calling someone a loser, I recommend that you take a vacation from craigslist. I recognize your writing on posts dating back to the oldest active posts in this forum.

You crapped the following out:

Remember, a few months ago we had a guy here who spent all day writing political diatribes, then all evening posting them by cut and paste. I recall one day, he published 24 in one 4 hour period. Whenever he was confronted, he would say that he would only stop if people would stop arguing and let him have the last word. I beleive he called himself "Not Fooled". This is obviously either the same guy, or one of his acolytes. Either way, they both are losers.

R--FACT--Al Qaeda Endorses John McCain! Research it for Yourself! (THE WORLD)

I did the research, and here's what I found.

The media ran into a password protected al Qaeda message board. Like this forum, or forums that take the "vbforum" format, people can post anonymously. Now, on craigslist, people are familiar with posters that hijack other poster's names.

For instance, the buttlicker and nawfik imposter posts, or posts from whites claiming to be blacks.

This also happens on other kinds of forums, people will post claiming to be someone they're not. This is precisely what happened with that one al Qaeda message board that the media zeroed in on. One of the members expressed hope that McCain would win, "to keep the troops in Iraq."

There are two major problems with that.

First, al Qaeda wants us out, they want us to withdraw, not stay there. Their actions, since we invaded Iraq, were designed to achieve that goal. Second, people can go on these forums and say just about anything.

Just like the white guy posting as a black guy here, we have an anti Republican talking out of his arse on that board.

Strange? Obama received the majority of the Arab and Islamic votes in this country.

Right after the press reported that, an actual member of al Qaeda came out and said this:

"O God, humiliate Bush and his party, O Lord of the Worlds, degrade and defy him."-Abu Yahya al-Libi, al Qaeda

That statement is consistent with their actions and their official statements.

Iraq was no mistake, it was a strategically brilliant move for the reasons I explained when I posted here last.

If you claim that Iraq was a lie, a mistake, etc, you're doing something equivalent to smacking the troops on the face. These actions are also equivalent to spitting on every service member that has ever served in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. By logical extension, those statements are equivalent to spitting on the grave of every service member that died in Iraq.

The majority of the troops that have ever served in Iraq don't see Iraq as a lie or a mistake. Now, when we have majorities of the people that have been there say something different than what those who've never been there say, that should give you something to think about.

Even Obama's honoring an agreement that allowed the US to stay in Iraq till the end of 2011. So you can't just zero in on the Republicans.

As for Russia, they wouldn't be dumb enough to launch a surprise attack on the United States, regardless of what Palin or any other Republican says. They have the numbers over us, but we have more combat experience, better quality and better technology than they do. The Russian military is also bogged down in its own version of "Iraq." Hint: It's not Georgia.

As for how thin our military is, perhaps you were also complaining about how thin our military was in the 1990s? No? Well, many people in the military were complaining about how the military was stretched far and thin back in the 1990s.

The big difference between then and now is that troop moral is currently high and the troops have missions they believe in.

You spewed:

Yes, its 100% true! Al Qaeda believes that McCain will likely continue George Bush dumb military ways! Its sad Iraq was a big lie! The bad thing is when you find out you made a mistake then admit! Oh no! Dumb Republicans would rather let more people die. Things better improve because if Russia feels threaten enough to pull a surprise attack (cough....Palin's dumb ass mouth) then you'll find out how thin our military really is.

R--Time to Destroy Urban Myths About Palin (Not Fooled) (Time to Prove You're Lying)

You have to prove your accusations. If you think that someone lied, post what that person said that caused you to assume such.

To do that, you have to take their statement, and show evidence that what they said was a complete lie. You didn't. Everything that I included in that post is based on fact.

For instance, people put words in Sarah Palin's mouth that she claimed that she sold her private jet on ebay.

My post indicated that she never made that claim, only that she put it up there for sale. She sold the plane elsewhere. In order to prove that I "lied," you'd have to prove that she claimed that she sold it on Ebay. She never made such claim. So I didn't, "lie."

Let's simplify this. Your job was to prove that this, along with other incidents, were FALSE. That's the only time you could argue that I'm "lying." You failed to do that.

Instead, you brought up an article:


What I previously said:

"She was willing to accept the bridge provided that it didn't cost the State any money. When she found out that the total costs would require the state to fork money over, she rightfully said no. As Alaska's governor, she held to her goals of cutting spending. That bridge's real cost would've worked against it, so she turned it down.

"I don't fault her for that. She aimed to cut unnecessary state expenses. The bridge offered something she could do for her state's voters. But when reality kicked in, she said no thanks. She never lost sight of the ball."

Again, in order to prove that I "lied," you'd have to prove that I didn't say what I just quoted above. I know what I said. Your link doesn't prove my post wrong; one doesn't lie by providing facts.

If anybody is lying, it's you for doing the following:

* Failing to prove me wrong...

* Failing to address the facts that I brought up...

* Ignoring the fact that I commented on the article's topic...

Instead, you took the easy, ego sating approach by accusing me of lying. That was easier for you to do than to accept that you're wrong.

You spewed:

Nice propaganda. Too bad anyone with google can find out youre lying.

Heres a newspaper in ALASKA talking about how Sarah Palin is lying to america about her track record with pork from washington. Turns out she actually supported the $250 million "bridge to nowhere". she only changed her position when it lost support. Best part of her lie? Even though the bridge project was canceled...she STILL took the money from washington. Reformer my ass.


So how many other lies are you spreading for McCain/ Palin? Give me a minute on google, and Im sure I will find more.


If you're going to accuse someone of violating TOU, then present the facts.

You have to copy and past the violated TOU guidelines. Don't just pull manure pallets out of your ass. Or is it easier for you to accuse someone of violating TOU instead of proving it?

I'd say that you're full of it. You know that if you tried to "prove" your point, I'd hand you your ass. I'd prove you wrong using the very TOU sections you claimed I violated.

I didn't violate TOU, I know that for a fact.

Reposting something because you abused software to remove it doesn't constitute spam or overpost. Spam is an attempt to make money. Overpost is an attempt to post something that's a duplicate of what's still active.

You like to "invoke" TOU when you lose control of the situation, yet you encourage its violation when it suites your purposes.

My posts don't violate TOU, but triple "X" pictures do. If you're big on TOU, you wouldn't encourage people to post triple "X" pictures.

Also understand that you can't control other people's actions. If you don't want to read what someone wrote, resist the urge to click on the link to their post. Quit acting like other people control your actions.

They don't.

Realizing that you have control of your own actions, including the ability to ignore a post and move on, is a liberating thought.

You spewed:

Did you report that blowhard Not Fooled as well? If anyone abused TOU it was him.

Besides, I'd much rather look at pictures of an ass than have to read the things one wrote.


RE--Don't Recall Lending You the Book

That's the typical response from someone that felt the joke's sting... but was unable to fire back with another joke. People like you are out there. They have no sense of humor and they always want their way. When they become the butt of a joke that hits them in the jugular, they act like it didn't have an affect.

I don't need someone to write my material for me. You, however, need someone to start thinking for you in the future. If you keep your stupidity up, your brain will leave you to seek employment.

You spewed:

That was SO not funny. In your quest to be a comedian..please don't quit your day job, and it might be a good idea to get someone else to write your material in the future.

Maybe Bubba can help as it seems he is not fulfilled in his current employment.

Flagger Becomes Unhinged When She Can't Control Me

Yes, it's me.

Why even ask the question?

You asked:

Is that you Not Fooled?

Someone Has Anger and Control Issues

The flagger, one of my debate opponents?

The only people that have thrown the, "are you never wrong?" or "you have a need to be right," or "you think you're never wrong," complaint at me are the same people that think they're always right.

It's usually the people that I argue against, or those that support them.

The "other" people that you talk about are trying to dismiss my argument as nothing but opinion.

I've backed my argument with facts, logic, and a reasoned argument. Show me where, in my posts or reposts, I say that my entire post is pure facts, and you'll have an argument. I'm going to tell you the same thing I've told the "others."

Anybody could express an opinion. I'm not arguing against that. I'm arguing against the "other" people's intent with dismissing my argument as "opinion." When they do that, they dismiss my argument's facts, logics, and reasoning.

It's a feeble attempt to say, "Either one of us could be right, either one of us could be wrong."

It's an attempt to put equal validity to both our posts. By doing this, they relieve themselves of defending their argument, or trying to prove my argument "wrong." They failed to do the latter.

In order for them to let me know that I'm "wrong," they have to use a reasoned argument with facts to prove that. They've consistently failed to do so. I've used logics, facts, and reason to counter their statements.

This isn't a case of "never" being wrong.

Like I indicated in the post you replied to, I don't start debates, or jump into debates, where other people know more than me. One requirement for me to jump into a debate is that I know a lot more than the people that I'm debating with.

I've used many of these same arguments on other boards. I've used many of my arguments over the years. I could do that because my arguments have solid ground. The other side is left with throwing the, "It's just your opinion," comment out because their argument doesn't have factual or logical basis.

Going back to the same post you addressed, here's what I said about opinions versus fact:

1.  "Facts and opinions aren't just mere semantics. The statement, 1 +1 = 2, is a factual statement. It's not an opinion. Any attempt to describe a reasoned argument as, "just an opinion," is an attempt to trivialize that strong argument."

On my arguing till I have the last word, what I said in the post that you responded to:

1. "I don't measure victory by who has the last word. I base that on how well the combatants use the facts, logics, and reason to back their arguments. As other posters have indicated, nobody has been able to do that against me here. I'm winning these debates."

2. However, it's needed if I'm to accomplish my objectives. You people have tried to destroy my credibility, and paint me as a person that I'm not. My having the last word on that is important as it sets the record straight. This contributes to people looking at my posts objectively.

3. "My continuing to argue until I fire the last shot has more to do with principle, and objective, than it does what you assumed. For instance, what right would I have to argue that the United States should continue fighting in Iraq until we accomplish our objectives... if I can't even do that on an online debate?" - Not Fooled

On your statement about my liking to argue, from the same post you addressed:

1. "Debating is one of my past times." - Not Fooled

2. "No, my debating ad infinitum doesn't "prove" that this is "all" I have. Far from it. This is one of my pastimes." - Not Fooled

If it's one of my past times, then obviously, I like to debate. But I don't debate just about anything. Go back and see the criteria I have for jumping into a debate.

On your statement about how I'd argue with Jesus' claims if he were to come down here. From the post that you read:

1.  "A prerequisite for me to jump into an argument is that I know more about the argument topic than the person that I'm arguing with."

So, if Jesus actually came down here and claimed to be such, I wouldn't argue against that. This isn't about me arguing for arguments sake, or to argue just about anything. I pick my arguments, and I argue with a purpose.

You spewed:

What is it with you? Is it that you are never wrong? Several posters have accused you of confusing opinion and fact. In your opinion, everyone but you is wrong about that. Or, is it that you are driven by some need to always have the last word? You said, 'IF these people truly wanted me to stop, they'd do the common sense thing to do and not reply to me.' Or, is it that you just like to argue? I swear, Jesus himself could appear in a bright fuzzy hat with a neon sign that said 'I'm the son of god' and you would argue with him about it. You get the last word on this one.

I've got that Book in My Library...(It's Time for Our Afternoon Tea...)

Don't recall lending you the book

Nope, still in my library. I don't recall letting you borrow it. I recommend you hide your Hustler collection elsewhere. If your parents are surfing this forum, they'd know to check your corner of the basement. Try not to hide things under the straw mess on the floor that you call your bed.

You spewed:

right next to my Hustler collection.

RE--Not Getting It, Also Known as Not Fooled

Someone has anger and control issues

This isn't a case where I "don't" get it. Because I do.

What you're really saying is that you're getting frustrated with my refusal to let your posts stand unchallenged. I see right through your laughable attempts to get me to NOT reply to you. Where's "out looking on" when you need him/her?

Oh, wait, I've got the next best thing, funny how what (out looking on) said actually applies this time:

"Because the person or people they are trying to communicate with did not agree then they somehow have come to the conclusion that the person or people being spoken or written to, were not listening, when in fact, the opposite is true. Not only did we hear or read it, but we understood what you were saying, but actually DISAGREE with what was said. You must accept that as a fact of life or you will be constantly plagued by the feeling of being misunderstood." - (out looking on)

I could tell by reading your posts that you simply don't get it.

You obviously want me to stop, but you're not doing what's required for me to stop. I've been doing this for about two weeks. By now, you should see a cause and effect. I've even told you what I intend to do.

Cause, people reply to me, people attack me, and people remove my posts. Effect, I reply back, I counter attack them, and I repost the removed post.

Like everybody else, you're trying to deal with the effect, while ignoring the cause. I've posted here enough for you to realize that the cause ALWAYS leads to the effect. The fact that you're addressing the effect, and not the cause, shows that you don't get it. Not me.

Or, should I say you're simply ignoring where I tell you my intentions? You have an agenda by constantly giving me those messages. I know, you were addressing a wider crowd, but you're specifically directing that to me.

I've stated my intentions, and what it takes for me to stop. The onus is on those that don't want me to do this to deal with the CAUSE and not the effect.

I know my history. I know enough about that period to know that it isn't applicable to what I'm doing. As I've previously stated, I'm not here to change my opponent's mind. I'm not here to change my mind. What I previously said:

1.  "Changing people's minds isn't my intent. But there are people who are sitting on the fence who could go either way. So, when I rebut a political post that I disagree with, I'm not aiming to change that person's mind. I'm balancing what I see is a media fueled statement on certain issues. I've talked to a lot of people who were willing to change their positions--once they saw the facts behind certain topics. I've done that on other message boards, I'm doing that here." - Not Fooled.

2.  "The people I rebut aren't going to change their minds. The people that come on here pretending to be Republicans, pretending to be in the middle, complaining about my posts, etc, aren't going to change their minds. Most, probably all, of these people lean left. But there are people that are willing to change their position once they see things in proper perspective." - Not Fooled

3. "I've never changed my mind because of what my opponent said. And changing my opponent's mind isn't my intention." - Not Fooled

But, I'm glad that you brought that analogy up, because it's very applicable to people like you, and others, who have issues with me making my posts. Commenting about my posts, rebutting my posts, and flagging my posts, while bitching about me constantly replying?

Now that's what you call bully tactics. Especially after I've told these posters what they could do that'd make me leave.

IF these people truly wanted me to stop, they'd do the common sense thing to do and not reply to me.

They'd do the common sense thing to do and refrain from removing my posts. If these guys truly wanted to be a part of the "solution," they wouldn't give me the incentive to keep coming back.

It's simple.

Ignore my posts, and I stop arguing. They could do that easily. But they don't. They'd rather attack me or remove my posts. That's precisely what any sane person would label as bullying tactics. They're all designed to try to drive me away from Hampton Roads Rants and Raves. But, like you said:

"Bullying tactics seldom work" - You. They never work with me.

"Having the last word does not always mean you have won." - You

I don't measure victory by who has the last word. I base that on how well the combatants use the facts, logics, and reason to back their arguments. As other posters have indicated, nobody has been able to do that against me here.

I'm winning these debates.

However, it's needed if I'm to accomplish my objectives. You people have tried to destroy my credibility, and paint me as a person that I'm not. My having the last word on that is important as it sets the record straight. This contributes to people looking at my posts objectively.

"Usually it means the other party is just tired of arguing and chooses to tune out the constant buzzing in their ears of redundant thoughts." - You

I have no idea of what being tired or arguing is like. :-)

But, thought I'd bring up my prior statements to prove that you got it wrong:

1. "My continuing to argue until I fire the last shot has more to do with principle, and objective, than it does what you assumed. For instance, what right would I have to argue that the United States should continue fighting in Iraq until we accomplish our objectives... if I can't even do that on an online debate?" - Not Fooled

Notice how I stop addressing their particular argument when they tune out the "constant buzzing" in their ears?

You complain about me doing what I'm doing here. Yet, you do the very thing that causes me to come back and generate a reply. You're part of the "problem" that you're complaining about.

As for your statements about the internet being the "focal point" in my life. It isn't.

Any critical thinking person would look at my posting times before making that comment. I come on here one part of the day, then post my replies in batches. Then I come back the next day. Reposting doesn't take long.

Debating is one of my past times. But I don't spend all day on the internet doing it. Anybody with a lick of common sense would see that just by looking at all the posts here.

Facts and opinions aren't just mere semantics.

The statement, 1 +1 = 2, is a factual statement. It's not an opinion. Any attempt to describe a reasoned argument as, "just an opinion," is an attempt to trivialize that strong argument.

And speaking of trivializing, you seem to have issues with my trivializing your attacks against me. Not only do I trivialize them, I discredit them. I have a right to do that in a post where I'm defending myself.

Please see my above statement.

If someone claims that I'm referencing a book that I "never" read, I'm going to set the record straight. I'm going to tell them I read that book, understood the concepts, and applied them in my argument.

If you feel that I'm trivializing what you said, then it's because your intellect is telling you that you don't have an argument, and that you're just pulling $#!t out of your @$$.

Adhering to beliefs alone doesn't give person character and integrity. A crook will adhere to his zero scruples beliefs. By your definition, his doing so gives him character and integrity. But it doesn't.

Practicing what you demand of others? Now THAT'S what gives people character and integrity.

You don't do what you demand from others. So guess what that makes you?

Those people that want me to stop debating here for example.

If they wanted me to stop, then they'd stop debating me. But, if they continue to debate with me, demanding that I stop debating, then they're showing that they don't have integrity. If these same people demand that we pull out of Iraq, but refuse to cede an argument, then they don't have integrity. It's THAT simple.

Don't mistake my countering their rebuttals as "belittling" the other person's beliefs. I'm just showing that poster, and the readers, that the person I'm arguing doesn't know what he or she is talking about. That they're simply talking out of their hind ends.

Again, I also do that to discredit attempts to diminish my credibility, and prove them wrong.

If you don't want to be belittled, then don't post lies about me. If you don't want to be discredited, then actually know what you're talking about when you're arguing with me. A prerequisite for me to jump into an argument is that I know more about the argument topic than the person that I'm arguing with.

I'm just showing the fence sitters that the other side of the argument doesn't have a real argument.

No, my debating ad infinitum doesn't "prove" that this is "all" I have. Far from it. This is one of my pastimes. I have others.

I spend only a fraction of a day on this board making my posts. THAT should've been obvious. By logical extension, I don't spend all my time on this board. However, the fact that you take issues with my doing this proves that going after me is all that you have.

Otherwise, you'd quit trying to solve the "problem" by addressing the effect but not dealing with the cause.

Orgasmic pleasure? No. Sadistic pleasure? Yes.

Know your facts about me before you label the fence sitters as "ignorant." In the mean time, I'm going to continue to hammer the opposition.

You spewed:

I can only compare these debate posts from a certain person to revisiting Spain in 1492. You remember your history. All people not Catholic were to be expelled from the country immediately.

What the majority did was pretend to be Catholic in public and continued to practice their own religion in the privacy of their homes and in their hearts. Bullying tactics seldom work, as a core belief (be it politics, childrearing or even what brand of toilet paper you buy) is exactly that and no amount of discussion will change anyone's mind.

Having the last word does not always mean you have won. Usually it means the other party is just tired of arguing and chooses to tune out the constant buzzing in their ears of redundant thoughts.

I can't help but feel pity for anyone who has chosen to make the internet the focal point in their lives and puts so much time and effort into debating with nameless faceless strangers.

Facts or opinions....they're just semantics. A person will believe what they choose to believe. And adhereing to those beliefs gives a person character and integrity. Trivializing the beliefs of others only highlights the immaturity and intolerance if the person doing the belittling.

In closing, personally these numerous posts don't bother me. They are entitled to their opinion as much as the next person, but it's obvious that this is all they have. I can almost feel their orgasmic pleasure as they "hammer" the opponent and continue the battle to "educate" the ignorant.

To each his own I guess.

What the Flag Abuser Doesn't Want You to Know

Hey Control Freak, you're abusing the purpose behind flaggings on this board. From the page before coming into craigslist:

"2. I understand "rants and raves" may include offensive content."

Obviously, many posts, mine specifically, OFFEND you. From Craigslist Terms of Use:


You understand and agree that sending unsolicited email advertisements to craigslist email addresses or through craigslist computer systems, which is expressly prohibited by these Terms, will use or cause to be used servers located in California.  Any unauthorized use of craigslist computer systems is a violation of these Terms and certain federal and state laws, including without limitation the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (18 U.S.C. § 1030 et seq.), Section 502 of the California Penal Code and Section 17538.45 of the California Business and Professions Code.  Such violations may subject the sender and his or her agents to civil and criminal penalties."

Read that 10 times, then read it laud 3 times, then write it word for word 3 times if you have to in order to get it.


The intent of that part of their flagging policy is to flag multiple duplicate posts. This is clarified further: "in multiple cities/categories." For it to be considered "too frequently," it has to exist as multiple posts. The first part: posted too frequently," means that there are multiple existing posts in one city or category.

The intent for that is to have only ONE post of its kind ACTIVE. You said you'd flag the second post. Second to what? It has to be second to a first post that people could read. But there's a problem with that. You deleted the original. It doesn't count as a "first" post for flagging purposes.

Reposting a post that you flagged doesn't count as posting "too frequently." It's a single active post that has no duplicate existing posts in this, or other forums.

Your clones and you complain about political posts being "mis-categorized." You'd have an argument if you were CONSISTENT. For instance:

This rants and rave post belongs to the groups forum:


These rants and rave posts belong in the sports forum:





These rants and rave posts belong in the Parenting forum:





Oh, and why are these political posts still up?







There's more where THOSE came from, but you get the picture. Your clones and you flag my political posts, but other political posts stay up. The posts that I replied to didn't get deleted, but my replies did. So this statement goes out the window:

"I'll be honest about it," - CONTROL FREAK

No, You're not being honest with anybody, and you're not being honest with yourself.

So, you CAN'T give us the canard that politics don't belong here if you aren't consistent with what you flag for removal, and what you leave alone. I still see other posts here that should be in other forums.

I still see political posts here that you haven't flagged for removal.

Conversations don't belong on this forum. Yet, I don't see you constantly bitching up a storm about moving conversations elsewhere.

You just flagged the posts that inconvenienced YOU.

Then you took it upon yourself to decide for everyone else what they get to read, and what they don't get to read. So this throws your sincerity about getting rid of mis categorized posts, and frequent posts, out.

You flag my post, I repost them. If you STOP flagging my posts, I won't have to repost them. Yet, you're justifying your flagging my posts by saying that I post them too much... ignoring the fact that I wouldn't be doing this if you simply did what you tell other people to do regarding posts.

Which leads to another intent behind frequent posts.

It wasn't intended to prevent me from reposting something that was flagged. It was intended for people that post duplicate posts on the same or other forums. It was designed to make sure that only one ACTIVE post was displayed.

Based on the above facts, you've got no legitimate grounds for flagging my posts.

"if I've seen the same post more than once, I WILL flag the second post, and will continue to flag it as spam/over post." - CONTROL FREAK

In case of a flagged post, you may have seen something twice, but future readers haven't.

You're flagging posts that you have personal issues with. You don't want to see people challenging your drivel. So you have them deleted so that future readers only see your drivel, but not my replies to them.

That's the real reason you're flagging my posts, then crying about me reposting my replies.

I mean, who died and made you the rants and raves administrator?

You've taken it upon yourself to decide what's redundant, and what's not. You, either directly or through one of your clone identities, have consistently complained about my posts. Yet, you can't even follow the advice you dish out:

"It pissed you off, you had your say, now you have one of two choices in life, get over it, or die worried about it." - CONTROL FREAK

So let me get this straight. If you had your say, and someone comes behind you and hammers you, or says something that pisses you off, you abuse this board's flagging system.

But, if someone has issues with you doing this, they're supposed to suck it up and move on?

I know that I'm not the only one that sees the double standard in this statement. Why don't you do as you preach? If you see my posts, and other people's posts, and they piss you off, why don't you get over it or die worrying about it?

Your statement proves my belief that your arrogance is negatively correlated to your intelligence.

"I feel the same way about that political crap that was tossed out like bad gas from a bloated goat." - CONTROL FREAK

Correction, that you flagged for removal. I guess the aliens forgot to remove your anal probe again. Just because your shit is all backed up like that doesn't mean that you could spew it all over this board.

Again, leave that to future readers to decide. Don't deny them the opportunity to read my rebuttals to your clones', and your, posts.

"I would like to think that you have more in your life then to worry about what some woman you don't even know did." - CONTROL FREAK

And I'd like to think that you have more in your life than to worry about what people you don't even know did. But NOOOOOOOHHH! You see posts you've deemed unnecessary for future readers, get a hair up your ass, and go on a flagging spree.

"If you don't have anything better to consume your time, try getting a hobby. It's good for you. I make centerpieces for the holidays," - CONTROL FREAK

If hobbies consume your time, are good for you, etc, then obviously you need to find another hobby. Because the hobby you do isn't enough to keep you from wasting your time on this board. You seem to be on here constantly. And it's not doing any good at reducing your stress.

Besides, that hobby and you don't mix. Your actions on here contradict one of the underlying meanings of the holidays.

"and I'm now going to go out to my boyfriend's shop and make some more center pieces and post them onto my web site and sell some more of them." - CONTROL FREAK

I call BS. You wasted your time flagging posts when you could've given yourself time to go to the shop to make those centerpieces.

You said:

I'll be honest about it, if I've seen the same post more than once, I WILL flag the second post, and will continue to flag it as spam/over post. You complained about the woman wanting the ink cartridges and wanted delivery and I heard you the first time. To re post it the very next day is redundant and unneeded. I feel the same way about that political crap that was tossed out like bad gas from a bloated goat.
It pissed you off, you had your say, now you have one of two choices in life, get over it, or die worried about it. I would like to think that you have more in your life then to worry about what some woman you don't even know did. If you don't have anything better to consume your time, try getting a hobby. It's good for you. I make centerpieces for the holidays, and I'm now going to go out to my boyfriend's shop and make some more center pieces and post them onto my web site and sell some more of them.