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Sunday, October 9, 2011

ECCIE--Herfacechair's Miscellaneous Topics--Raedy4funn45 Refutes Society

This is a spinoff of a thread that got locked. Any topic could go here, not just the ones that I'm posting. This is an example of a thread that one can't really hijack, because it's a thread about miscellaneous topics.

raedy4funn45: Yes the ladies on this site deserve some respect. 

My mode of operation involves giving people the benefit of the doubt. I give them initial respect, which happened with my very first message to the other thread's OP. However; the moment that person does something that requires me to revoke that respect, I'll stop respecting them. They'll have to earn that respect.

Both men and women need to earn respect. It's not given, and it's not deserved simply because they're women, they're part of a certain profession, or any other reason.

raedy4funn45: Get to know them fiirst, then maybe you can make some comments or suggestive remarks.

First, if women use volgar words on their websites, and verifications page, they've got no say or recourse when a potential client speaks to them with vulgarity.

Second, not all women are alike.

Like I said, I've had success getting sessions using the language that I used in the other thread. Your statement also applies to the women. They need to know the guys first before they could start venting on them in private... then flipping them off.

I have every intention of continuing what I've done before.

raedy4funn45: As for the definition of gentleman, most young people have no clue. Being in my 40's, I was raised to be a gentleman.

I'm also in my 40s and was exposed to gentleman upbringing. We were also brought up with a slight military discipline and semi garrison style upbringing. I also received the formal training while in the military.

None of that upbringing indicated that a gentleman would go against society's expectations of a gentleman. That's why I label us as "hobbyists" and not as "gentlemen."

You may have issues with that, but common law prevails.

raedy4funn45: A gentleman will hold the door for a lady, 

I've held the door for both women and men. Both women and men have held the door open for me.

raedy4funn45: have manners, 

The people that know me, face to face, will tell you that I have manners. It's like what I told people earlier in this thread. The moment you try to "peg" me, just by what I do here, you've got the wrong interpretation of who I am.

Judging someone without knowing them is poor manners. Attacking the common law definition of gentlemen reflects poor manners. That's like saying that you know better, than society at large, what's moral and what isn't.

raedy4funn45: and  be courteous for starters. 

Displaying websites, and verification pages, with vulgar language isn't courteous. Under common law, I had every right to use a couple vulgar words in my response to the provider.

People that know me face to face will tell you that I'm courteous.

I have a posting track record. This records shows that I extend respect and courtesy to someone until they prove that they don't deserve to be treated as such.

raedy4funn45: I was raised to respect other people and their property. 

You're not the only one. I also respect people and their property. I also respect the common property. We were brought up to do things like having a poop scoop and doggy bag in hand when walking the dog.

Respect isn't guaranteed. It isn't something that's given to someone simply because of who they are. I was raised with the concept that respect is earned. That became a stronger emphasis in the military.

I'll give the initial "benefit of the doubt respect." That initial respect is never permanent. The recipient has to continuously earn that respect. The moment they disrespect me, I disrespect them.

Staci in KC disrespected me by venting to me, and attacking the board admin's efforts to help her. She disrespected the board admins in the process.

My very first correspondence to her was neutral. I simply asked her which Staci she was. Her response proved that she didn't deserve any respect.

Besides, her advertisement was full of vulgar words, and contained a sexually provocative picture. She had no say or recourse when I used two "vulgar" words in a follow on reply to her.

raedy4funn45: Yes respect is earned, but I am at least courteous until I have a reason not to respect you.

This is the same thing that I've argued on the other thread, and that's precisely what I did. Respect and courtesy go hand in hand. My very first post to the other thread's OP showed both, her response dictated that I withdraw both.

raedy4funn45: I really could care less how society judges my hobby choices, but at the end of the day I still have the values of a gentleman that I was raised with.

This is a contradiction. It doesn't matter what you think of how society judges your choices.

Society at large has an expectation of what a gentleman is. People also know what a gentleman isn't. Gentlemen don't go against what society views as having moral standards.

If you can't defend your doing this hobby, during Sunday services, then you can't really say that you're a gentleman. No hobbyist can.

You can't be a "partial" gentleman. You're either a gentleman, or you're not.

Society holds ladies and gentleman to a high standard. That standard matches society's moral standards. When I was brought up, one foundation for those moral standards was religion. Again, is this hobby something that we'd admit to during Sunday services?

That's why I prefer to use hobbyists, guys, or just men to describe us.

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