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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Herfacechair Miscellaneous Topics Thread 01 --Vox Ultima

Vox Populi Vox Die. The voice of the people is the voice of God.

That's one of the foundations of Common Law. It's one of the foundations of our moral standards. We could trace our concept of "good and bad" to religious upbringing.

Society holds the definition of what constitutes a lady and a gentleman. A gentleman upholds those standards. A gentleman can't pick and chose which gentleman traits he practices. It's all or nothing.

Society frowns on this hobby. If you're in the hobby, you're not a lady or a gentleman.

This means that any "rule" or "guideline" within the hobby is null and void. Common Law prevails. If you use vulgar language in your advertisements, your readers have every right to use those words when they contact you.

You've got no say or recourse. You can't label someone as not being a gentleman if you're not being a lady.

This is a continuation of a thread that got locked before I got a chance to complete it.

All the white knights that took me on didn't realize that I'm a master white night. They also didn't factor all the facts before attacking me. They were more interested in kissing a woman's ass than they were in making an intelligent argument.

They entered the debate handicapped without the complete facts. That made me their dragon. Let's just say that they got burnt in their tracks.

ECCIE--Herfacechair's Miscellaneous Topics--Raedy4funn45 Refutes Society

This is a spinoff of a thread that got locked. Any topic could go here, not just the ones that I'm posting. This is an example of a thread that one can't really hijack, because it's a thread about miscellaneous topics.

raedy4funn45: Yes the ladies on this site deserve some respect. 

My mode of operation involves giving people the benefit of the doubt. I give them initial respect, which happened with my very first message to the other thread's OP. However; the moment that person does something that requires me to revoke that respect, I'll stop respecting them. They'll have to earn that respect.

Both men and women need to earn respect. It's not given, and it's not deserved simply because they're women, they're part of a certain profession, or any other reason.

raedy4funn45: Get to know them fiirst, then maybe you can make some comments or suggestive remarks.

First, if women use volgar words on their websites, and verifications page, they've got no say or recourse when a potential client speaks to them with vulgarity.

Second, not all women are alike.

Like I said, I've had success getting sessions using the language that I used in the other thread. Your statement also applies to the women. They need to know the guys first before they could start venting on them in private... then flipping them off.

I have every intention of continuing what I've done before.

raedy4funn45: As for the definition of gentleman, most young people have no clue. Being in my 40's, I was raised to be a gentleman.

I'm also in my 40s and was exposed to gentleman upbringing. We were also brought up with a slight military discipline and semi garrison style upbringing. I also received the formal training while in the military.

None of that upbringing indicated that a gentleman would go against society's expectations of a gentleman. That's why I label us as "hobbyists" and not as "gentlemen."

You may have issues with that, but common law prevails.

raedy4funn45: A gentleman will hold the door for a lady, 

I've held the door for both women and men. Both women and men have held the door open for me.

raedy4funn45: have manners, 

The people that know me, face to face, will tell you that I have manners. It's like what I told people earlier in this thread. The moment you try to "peg" me, just by what I do here, you've got the wrong interpretation of who I am.

Judging someone without knowing them is poor manners. Attacking the common law definition of gentlemen reflects poor manners. That's like saying that you know better, than society at large, what's moral and what isn't.

raedy4funn45: and  be courteous for starters. 

Displaying websites, and verification pages, with vulgar language isn't courteous. Under common law, I had every right to use a couple vulgar words in my response to the provider.

People that know me face to face will tell you that I'm courteous.

I have a posting track record. This records shows that I extend respect and courtesy to someone until they prove that they don't deserve to be treated as such.

raedy4funn45: I was raised to respect other people and their property. 

You're not the only one. I also respect people and their property. I also respect the common property. We were brought up to do things like having a poop scoop and doggy bag in hand when walking the dog.

Respect isn't guaranteed. It isn't something that's given to someone simply because of who they are. I was raised with the concept that respect is earned. That became a stronger emphasis in the military.

I'll give the initial "benefit of the doubt respect." That initial respect is never permanent. The recipient has to continuously earn that respect. The moment they disrespect me, I disrespect them.

Staci in KC disrespected me by venting to me, and attacking the board admin's efforts to help her. She disrespected the board admins in the process.

My very first correspondence to her was neutral. I simply asked her which Staci she was. Her response proved that she didn't deserve any respect.

Besides, her advertisement was full of vulgar words, and contained a sexually provocative picture. She had no say or recourse when I used two "vulgar" words in a follow on reply to her.

raedy4funn45: Yes respect is earned, but I am at least courteous until I have a reason not to respect you.

This is the same thing that I've argued on the other thread, and that's precisely what I did. Respect and courtesy go hand in hand. My very first post to the other thread's OP showed both, her response dictated that I withdraw both.

raedy4funn45: I really could care less how society judges my hobby choices, but at the end of the day I still have the values of a gentleman that I was raised with.

This is a contradiction. It doesn't matter what you think of how society judges your choices.

Society at large has an expectation of what a gentleman is. People also know what a gentleman isn't. Gentlemen don't go against what society views as having moral standards.

If you can't defend your doing this hobby, during Sunday services, then you can't really say that you're a gentleman. No hobbyist can.

You can't be a "partial" gentleman. You're either a gentleman, or you're not.

Society holds ladies and gentleman to a high standard. That standard matches society's moral standards. When I was brought up, one foundation for those moral standards was religion. Again, is this hobby something that we'd admit to during Sunday services?

That's why I prefer to use hobbyists, guys, or just men to describe us.

ECCIE--Herfacechair's Miscellaneous Topics--JS42 Can't Take What He Dishes

JS42: Dude, I am a contributing member here also, and with that, I also have every right to state my opinion. 

I never said that you don't have any right to state your opinion. But, if you're going to complain about what I'm doing on a thread... then demand that I take certain actions... then I'm going to tell you what you should do instead.

Are you tired of seeing me post? Don't want me to make additional posts? Then refrain from clicking on the threads that I participate in. Demanding that the moderators "shut me up," simply because you don't want to see me make any more posts, doesn't cut it.

The point I got across to you is that you can't control what I do. You only control what you do. Want the discussion to end? Don't give me an excuse to come back and add more posts.

JS42: Unlike you, I don't feel the need to make a spectacle of myself. 

You made a spectacle of yourself on the other thread... or did you forget that you freaked out over my refusing to give up replies? You came across as someone breaking down.

JS42: You made your point clear back on the first page,

And so did everybody else. But I don't see you complaining about the opposition continuing on.

JS42:  the rest of this is just silly and immature, 

If this is silly and immature, then why did you still participate? Did you tell the others that they're being silly and immature? I doubt it.

The fact that you won't address the opposition doing this speaks volumes.

You're complaining that I won't stop hammering the side of the argument that you supported. What you dismiss as "silly and immature" is my refusing to give up. You're really complaining about my determination to fight the opposition until they go silent.

This attitude drives you guys up the wall. But guess what?

It's the same drive that causes me to never give up in other things. I wouldn't have my masters degree if it weren't for that drive. I wouldn't be able to paint an oil still life, with no formal instructions, without that drive. I wouldn't have seen the world without that drive.

What does this boil down to?

You're dismissing my drive to succeed as "childish."

JS42: and will continue to be because YOU bring nothing new to this thread other than continuing your rants. 

By your logic, if one doesn't bring something new to the debate, they're being silly and immature? Got you. Since you haven't figured this out by now, what I say in my counter replies depends on what you guys say in the posts that I'm countering.

If you feel that I'm not contributing anything new, it's because those that I'm debating aren't contributing anything new.

Surprise, surprise, I didn't see you complain to them about that. I wouldn't be surprised if you think that your rants constituted "cold hard fact." I'm laughing at that idea by the way.

JS42: I never considered myself a "saint" there genius, as I'm posting on a freaking escort board..duh!

This statement contradicts your argument about being a gentleman. You shouldn't consider yourself a "gentleman," either genius. You're posting on a freaking escort board!

You missed the point behind my referring to you as if you think you're a saint.

If you whine about how I like to beat someone... if you accuse me of being a blowhard, full of hot air and full of self importance... when you post as if you're someone looking in from the outside... when you're really venting about my refusal to give up... you're portraying yourself as a saint, as God Almighty, or as someone qualified to render judgment on someone.

A gentleman wouldn't call someone a blowhard. He wouldn't accuse him of being full of hot air and self importance. He wouldn't do that without real facts. He wouldn't do that from bias.

The only thing you're doing is making yourself sound like a retarded ghost possesses you.

JS42: And you are right, this thread isn't misery for you, but you live in it. 

Live in it? No. Come back to add my counter rebuttals? Definitely. I have fun taking people's arguments apart.

JS42: Anyone who puts on a different persona online, or resorts to this childish behavior, where they need the last word no matter what, has serious issues in their real life. And it doesn't take a shrink to figure that out, just common sense. Whether you act like this in real life or it's your online persona is irrevelant, you got issues.

A real gentleman wouldn't pass judgment on someone they don't know. He wouldn't pass judgment on someone without the complete set of facts. He definitely would check his bias at the door when trying to describe someone's behavior.

First, people that know me face to face get it wrong about me. Only a fool would try to think that he'd have better luck... just by reading my replies.

You're way off. It doesn't take a shrink to figure that out either. I didn't recognize myself in your comment.

Shrinks talked to me before and after my Iraq deployment. Their statements contradict yours. Being trained helped them be right where you were wrong. Meeting me face to face helped them be accurate where you were nowhere near the cone of probability. They concluded that I was normal, and had no issues.

So, who should we believe here? Real shrinks or a non shrink who assumes what these shrinks might figure out?

Second, people like you love to project their own issues on me. People that accused me of being "childish," act childish. People that accuse me of having "serious issues in real life," themselves have serious issues in real live.

If they insist on staying in a fight they're losing, they definitely have control issues.

Many people, on every message board I've been on, gun for the last word. These people accuse me of having psychological issues when they can't get the last word in. You come across as one of those people.

Third. These providers offer services. Do their families know that they're on here? Yes, or maybe no. The answer is probably in the negative. They have a different persona in this community, than they do in the real world. I doubt that their kids see the same women that we see here. Heck, I doubt that most the people in the real world know that they're doing this.

Therefore, you bring up a non issue.

Childish behavior? Go back and read the previous post that you made. That's like a child demanding that one of the parents do something against the other siblings. Heck, you could take many of the responses coming from the opposition, and match that to childish behaviors. But, I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for you to say something about them.

The need for the last word?

Hmm, let's see, I reply, then the opposition replies. You don't have a problem with that.

You don't go around accusing them of being childish. You don't jump into the argument and demand that those people STFU, or that the moderator's do it for them. Nope. It becomes an issue for you when I turn around and provide a counter rebuttal to them.

So, by your definition, anybody that engaged in this fight against me has some "serious issues in their real life!"

Let me break you in on a little secret. I don't have any major, or serious, issues in my life. My life is going pretty good.

Also, the relationships that I have, in my real life, as well as my regular provider contacts in this hobby, are going very well.

What does this say about your assumptions about me? It states what I'm consistently saying. Your assumptions are wrong. I highly recommend that you re-evaluate those assumptions with the view of adjusting them to reality... or to try to discover why it is that people do the things that they do.

Your original assumptions here missed the mark. If your assumptions were anything like your shooting abilities, I'd hate to be the person standing behind you as you try to shoot the targets in front of you.

You're using inductive fallacy if you think that shrinks would share your opinion, or if your opinions are "common sense." I used those quotations strongly.

JS42: Now go ahead and flame away at me. I'm done with this ridiculous thread you made out of it. 

Had that thread not get locked, I doubt that this would've been your last post. I get that all the time. People try to make me think that they're not going to read my reply. But, when I replied, they came back and responded to me.

JS42: Sooner or later, the mods will close this thread, just a matter of time, so have your fun while you can. 

One could lock a thread, but that doesn't mean that the argument will end. I'll have my fun, either through creating a spin off thread, by composing articles for mainstream viewership, or by posting this on my "Vox Ultima" (The Last Word) thread.

For mainstream viewership, it'd be a simple matter of removing your name, your post, and anything you say. I'd simply rebut every point you made in an article format, then submit it to webmasters hungry for new content.

We're talking about a series of articles that I could submit to mainstream, nationally accessed, websites. It's neat that there are webmasters, for content websites, who are constantly on the lookout for fresh articles for their audiences.

Updated to add:

I created this blog to circumvent thread locks, or administrative actions against me, that protect the opposition. You people need to get used to the idea that a debate with me ends when you guys give up. I have absolutely no intentions of giving up. This blog guarantees that I fire the final shots.

JS42: Although the best way to let this thread die out is for people to quit responding, like I will do now.

This is the only thing that you said that I agree with.

People need to understand that they don't control what I do. Bitching, whining, moaning and groaning about my participation won't stop me. These people need to realize that they control what they do.

It's obvious that I'm constantly replying to them. They control their replies, but they don't control my counter replies. If they want me to stop, then they need to stop replying to me. It's that simple, this isn't rocket science.

Had they done that in the beginning, that thread wouldn't have gone as far as it did.

ECCIE--Herfacechair Miscellaneous Topics--MsElena Takes Another Beating

MsElena: I have to say, this has been one of the most entertaining threads in a long time.

That thread was nothing compared to the other threads I've debated/flamed on.

MsElena: I need a lab rat for my psych classes in August Herfacechair, care to sign up?

Who needs a lab rat? The real live example, of what your psychology textbook talks about, will be attending those classes in August. You're a glutton for punishment when it comes to debates. That's unbecoming of a Mistress. I'm pretty sure that your class will be interested in studying that contradiction.

ECCIE--Herfacechair's Miscellaneous Topics Thread, KCQuestor Begs for a Beat Down...

KCQuestor: HAH! I knew I remembered your blue text from somewhere! 

This statement contradicts your actions. I've seen you comment on reviews posted in the KC/Kansas provider reviews. I've also posted reviews. You've read and commented on one of them. These reviews are also in blue. You had to see me make posts, which were in blue.

So, either you're pulling stuff out of thin air, or you have a short memory.

KCQuestor: That's awesome. You are the guy who argued for pages and pages 

Pages and pages? That thread only had two pages.

KCQuestor: about why you didn't need to use the review form. 

If I wanted to, I'd still be able to start a new post (vice the form for the review), containing all the elements. The main issue that I had was posting details. This is given the security required in the face of unwelcomed readers and their prying searches. I still stand by my arguments on that thread. I'd do the exact same thing again should the situation repeat itself.

KCQuestor: Because you were so experienced you knew what was and was not supposed to go into a review. Welcome back!

Experienced about LE being able to get onto boards like this to read everything that we type? Yes. Another way to get Premium Access here is to pay for it. Something that someone, working in a police department, would easily be able to do.

That's an example of the thoughts I had in mind when I made my arguments.

KCQuestor: I wish I remembered who you were before. 

That's just a self-serving comment. You knew who I was, and already remembered that we had an altercation here before. People like you always try to find an opportunity to come back to settle the score.

KCQuestor: I would have ignored your post.

No you wouldn't, you would've done what you did in the other thread. Your next action could prove this point.

My Former ATF Finds Me on ECCIE, She Creates a Phony Username and Starts Drama

"Concha" tends to use different usernames while trying to attack me. Recently, on ECCIE, she attacked me using her "hacia abajo" persona. Like her other personalities, she doesn't know how to "lock it up" for each of her usernames.

The longer she attacks me, the more she drops clues that she is who I suspect her to be.

I've debated with her, via PM, since she made the below post. She bragged about how she made a song about me back when we posted on the BJ Forums. She claimed that many on that forum thought that song was funny.

She used "hacia abajo" on that forum to, in addition to her other personalities.

This woman has so many characters that she can't keep track of them... especially with the passage of time.

She created a song about me alright, but it wasn't on the BJ forums. It wasn't as "hacia abajo" either. She, as "Amada" created a song about me on Virginia After Dark. She was the only one that ever did that.

This was the first of a series of stumbles she'll make, during our ECCIE PM flame-war revealing herself as "Amada" aka "Concha."

From my, "Providers Out of Business in 5 Years Thread," on ECCIE:

[quote]Originally posted by "hacia abajo" aka Amada/Concha 
I have followed Leah's posts and spoken with her a time or two. I am the hobby buddy of one of her long time clients who unfortunately passed away. We talked of her often as she is one of the nicest ladies we know.  Do not sully this place with your sensitivity and drama.[/quote]

That's pure utter bullshit. You're not related to any of her hobbyists who've passed away. That's very convenient for you, isn't it? With that hobbyist "dead," he won't be available to answer our questions about you.

The fact of the matter is that there's no "long time client" of hers that you know. The contact you've had with Lea was restricted to her talking to you via recent PMs.

You've followed me throughout the internet, and attacked me using your different usernames. I destroyed you each time.

One thing that was common among your different internet usernames, is your sensitivity and your drama. You even managed to form your own soap opera on Virginia After Dark, with your different personalities.

If anybody knows how to disrupt the peace and smoothness on a message board, it's you. You did that on Ave X, three times. The ECCIE Virginia forums were going nice, with little to no conflict, until you jumped on there and stirred up drama.

You accuse me of being a stalker, yet here you are, with a presence on every hobby and fetish board I'm on.

An ECCIE Post of Mine That a Forum "Chief" Edited... Here it is Unedited

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