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Sunday, December 8, 2013

President Ronald Reagan Won the Cold War-Delver Rootnose is Wrong

delver rootnose: like I said revisionist history. Economics took down the USSR. That and WAR. The money they spent on Afghanistan and trying to outspend the US military is what crushed the USSR.

And Ronald Reagan was behind all of that.

Ronald Reagan spent decades of his life, prior to becoming president, combating communism through words. This started when he was in Hollywood. He took actions countering their agenda in that community.

He understood that economy wise, the communist system couldn't uphold in the real world.

Simply put, a command economy... the type that liberals/progressives in the US want... is one of the most inefficient forms of economy that you could have. Even the Soviets back-peddled a bit from pure communism; they implemented a little "free market" here and there just to uphold their system.

Starting in the 1960s, the Soviet Union beefed up their military. By the early 1980s, they surpassed us militarily. This happened at a high cost for them though. The Soviet economy was at full capacity supporting this arms buildup, as well as the arms race.

Ronald Reagan knew that if he forced the Soviets to race harder, their economy would collapse. So he built our military up. He didn't need to go as far as the Soviets did; all he had to do was "flex" the U.S.'s muscles.

He also pursued the Strategic Defense Initiative, nicked named "Star Wars." He knew that the Soviets would knowingly race a losing race to try to offset that... thus causing them to drain more money from their economy.

Ronald Reagan also remembered the support that the Soviets gave our enemies earlier during the Cold War. One specific event was in Vietnam. So, when the Soviets tried to set themselves up for an "honorable retreat" from Afghanistan, Ronald Reagan saw an opportunity for revenge.

This was a chance to not only get revenge, but to put even more pressure on the Soviet economy.

He sent money and supplies to the Pakistani version of the CIA. The orders? Aid and assist the local Afghani. Thanks to that assistance, Ronald Reagan was able to put more pressure on the Soviet Economy.

He didn't stop there either. He started many initiatives that he knew that the United States could accomplish... but the Soviets couldn't.

Ronald Reagan, working with the British and the Vatican, worked to weaken the Soviet Union.

The selection of Mikhail Gorbachev was an attempt to fix a system that wasn't repairable. At any rate, the Soviet Union got weaker BECAUSE of, and not despite of, Ronald Reagan's policies.

I remember this clearly, as I started to follow the news back in the early '80s.

Ronald Reagan was KEY to the downfall of the Soviet Union.

delver rootnose: We are going the way of the USSR because of our security state spending and meddling in other countries affairs.

We're going by the way of the USSR in that the Democrats are succeeding in getting many of their policies implemented. This goes back to the beginning of Ronald Reagan's crusade against the communists.

Back in the 1930s, the Soviets began an information and society adjustment campaign in this country. They linked up with communists, and communist sympathizers in the US, and gave them money and advice.

What was their plan?

Infiltrate America's opinion leading institutions. This included school faculty, Hollywood, government, etc. They failed to make inroads into the Republican Party. They succeeded very well infiltrating the Democratic Party.

Result? The Democrat Party continues to shift to the left. It has gotten to the point that the Communist Party of the USA tends to endorse Democratic presidential candidates.

Our move to implement more progressive policies brings us closer to socialism.

Our presence in other countries is necessary. Want a stable US economy? That heavily depends on how well we could guarantee that our economy can get the resources it needs. Those resources are extracted from the ground, processed, transported over large bodies of water, then imported into the United States.

If we're not able to secure those sources, and transportation routes, you could kiss your standard of living goodbye.

The United States isn't the only country in the world that's leveraging its military. It's not the only one leveraging its other influences to ensure economic prosperity. Having political stability in other parts of the world plays a key role in all of this.

If we weren't doing what we're doing now, another country would step in and do it.

Advance to the 21st Century. Look at Detroit, Michigan. This is what'll happen to the United States if the Democrats have their way.

delver rootnose: The only reason we haven't failed is we have a better credit rating and our creditors are the Chinese, the Saudis and the American people. And guess who the GOP would rather pay off first in the default fight. It isn't the US citizens.

The main reason we haven't failed yet is that the GOP is preventing the Democrats from passing policies that'll guarantee failure. The Chinese are one group of creditors. Others include Japan, the UK, and other countries, as well as the US citizens.

The US government is going to honor maturing accounts according to the rules affecting those accounts. It doesn't matter if you're a foreign investor or a US investor.

The GOP is big on helping the US citizens... that's precisely why they voted against the Affordable Care Act. That's why they tried to defund it. That's why they continue to stand in the way of other Democrat destructive policies.

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