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Sunday, December 8, 2013

Obamabots Think That Revised History is Actual History

These posts aren't based on a thread that I participated on. I came across these responses while reading a Politico article about China's declared air defense zone. Instead of posting there, I've posted my replies here.

It's blatantly obvious that those that slammed Ronald Reagan weren't alive... or were too young... to be aware of what was going on during the 1980s.

I started following the news, as a news junkie, since 1982. I sided with Ronald Reagan when I saw what he was doing. I followed events all around the world. There's a lot more to what happened during the '80s than what kids are learning today.

These Obama zombies are ignorant to a key trend. Every democrat president, starting with President John F. Kennedy, has been incompetent when it came to foreign policy.

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