Gumpchun: Yeah, we all recall how tough Ronald Reagan was in the minds of aging white rednecks.
Chances are real strong that they were old enough to know what was going on, in the world, during Reagan's presidency. If that doesn't describe you, then you're trying to argue against first hand experiences. You're doing so with your own second or third hand information.
Gumpchun: The reality was that Reagan sent the Marines into Lebanon and got 300 of them killed, then packed up and left with his tail between his legs.
Get your history straight.
After that attack, both the US and France launched retaliatory air strikes. The US struck from the air and from sea. Since Iran was behind the attacks, the US increased intelligence support to Iraq, which was fighting Iran at the time. The culmination of that was Operation Preying Mantis, which destroyed Iran's upper hand during their war with Iraq. This led to the end of that war.
We didn't need to stay in Lebanon. There was no real need for us to remain there.
Gumpchun: Then Reagan paid off Iran with armaments so he could fund his war against poor South America civilians.
It looks like you need to get your geography straight as well.
The Contras were fighting a Soviet/Cuban backed government in Central America. This represented an extended Soviet influence... in our own back yard. This is something that we had to turn around. The Democrat Congress, always bent on policies that harm the US, stopped funding the Contras.
Ronald Reagan had to continue to deal with the communist threat in Central America. Had we failed to support the Contras, more countries would've turned towards communism. Back then, the economic situation in Latin America favored the creation of one communist state after another.
This would've given the Soviet Union a strategic advantage relative to us... in our own backyard.
Seeing the bigger picture, his administration worked a deal to where the US would back supply the Israelis... who'd supply the Iranians with weapons they were already using. In return, the US got paid for the weapons that the Israelis provided to the Iranians.
They also attempted to release American hostages in Lebanon during this period.
Thanks to our continuing to support the Contras, Central America is enjoying democracy in place of dictatorship. It's now a popular retirement and tourist destination.
Our failure to do that would've meant instability in our own backyard till this day. Undocumented immigration to the U.S. would've been a lot higher today to.
Gumpchun: Reagan talked big and ran when he hit real resistance.
Wrong. I followed Reagan in the news. The liberal media was harder on him, back then, than they were on President Bush early this century.
Ronald Reagan went against all sorts of resistance, but he persevered. He stood up to the challenge... as opposed to "Caligula", who, through indecisiveness and lack of leadership, is emboldening our enemies today.
Gumpchun: Obama killed Bin Laden and deposed Gaddafy, both now silent from the grave.
I'm sorry, but the SEALs killed Bin Laden, Obama didn't kill Bin Laden. He most certainly didn't depose Kaddafi. Oblablahblah took a backseat to the Libyan operation. It was the rebels on the ground that deposed of Kaddafi, with the help of our NATO allies.
And get this, we wouldn't have been able to track down Osama Bin Laden had it not been for policies that President Bush contributed to putting in place. Obama happened to be the lucky guy who was at the right place at the right time.
Gumpchun: Dems are smart AND tough, something aging toothless goobers and chickenhawks on the right have such a bad record on.
History contradicts your assumptions.
Kennedy's failure, to authorize the US Navy to do its part during the Bay of Pigs invasion, turned what would've been a victory into defeat... signaling to Nikita Khrushchev that the US was weak. This encouraged Khrushchev to deploy missiles to Cuba.
In order to get these missiles out, we agreed to close one of our overseas positions. When all was said and done, we were at a weaker posture, relative to the Soviets, than where we were before.
Both Kennedy and Johnson engaged in a "dog chasing tail" strategy in Vietnam. Nixon came in with the intent to win it. Had his plans been carried through all the way to the end, we would've had complete victory during the Vietnam War.
It was the Democratic Congress that pulled defeat out of the jaws of victory. They cut funding to the South Vietnamese government. This guaranteed our losing the Vietnam War politically. We won it militarily, thanks to Nixon.
We lost Iran, as an ally, during Carter's administration. Yes, he could've done something in the run up, but he was too weak to do it... he also gutted the US military, Clinton style.
Speaking of which, Clinton's lack of balls with his foreign policies emboldened Al-Qaeda. When they struck in 9/11, they were expecting more of the same Clinton style response.
The cold hard reality is that most democrat politicians are appeasers and not fighters. As far as being "smart"? They're so clueless about how the real economy works that their policies drag the economy down... and frustrate economic recovery.
Also, most of your so called "Chicken Hawks" happen to be war veterans that disagree with your messiah and you.
Gumpchun: What we need to do with China is immediately send numerous flights and ships into this bogus zone, say it is nothing but a worthless piece of paper, and show China their belligerence won't be tolerated. Stand by.
With a Democrat in the White House? ROTFLMFAO!
You do realize that we've been doing this for decades, do you? We've always had a naval presence in the seas covered by China's declared air defense zone.
Our sending those two planes to the Senkaku Islands was an extension of that policy. This wasn't an example of Democrats flexing their muscles. Oh, and get this... our government has temporarily agreed to back off demanding that China undo that air defense zone.