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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Black Hawk Down (BHD93) Forum's Jasonglh Didn't Complain About my Profile After my First Post, Dismisses Thought Provoking Second Post

[quote]Originally posted by jasonglh on Jan 23 2006, 12:52 AM
Outspoken you have been here since July 05 and made 2 posts.  The 2nd of which is nonsensical at best, your profile is a gaping hole and still no introduction post.  How about filling in some blanks or hitting the road.  [/quote]

The first post consisted of me spoon feeding the readers deep information and analysis. You guys didn't have a problem with that post, or question my profile. But, heaven forbid that I force you guys to think, then it's another story.

I served onboard the [   ] off the coast of Somalia during the last two months of US involvement. One of the administrators had seen my name on another Somalia related website. He sent me an E-mail inviting me to join this website. I'm still in and have participated in the beginning phases of OIF.

I'll look at the other introductions and put something together to post as a personal introduction to this board.

I'm surprised that I wasn't required to provide this information... after I had placed a post detailing the advantage that our current military has over the Chinese military.

For those that want to get a better idea about my typical posts, other than what I do in this thread, my first post on this message board is typical of the posts that I normally make. I'll come in when there is something valuable that I really have to contribute.

However, I've lurked here on and off for the past few months and noticed that this board is not as busy as the other message boards that I frequent. The above post was an attempt to jump start a thought provoking thread and get things moving in the "miscellaneous" section.

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