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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Black Hawk Down 93 (BHD93) Forum's 10thFO Proves his Drunken Stupidity

[quote]Originally posted by 10thFO Jan 23 2006, 08:58 PM 
I'm glad you guys found this out in left field.  Wife is out of town and I was drunk when I read it, but I still can't comprehend wtf it was about anyways.  Drive on people.  And yes miscellaneous and stupid would be a good place for it. [/quote]

First, that post was mainstream, based on the other message boards that I've posted on. The majority of the posters that responded to my thread were among the dumbest that I've addressed.

Second, it helps to be sober when reading something that involves induction and reasoning. Using the term "drive on" in the same statement as "being drunk" misplaces that term and fits in the "stupid" category as well... especially given the number of Soldiers... and service members in general... that drink and drive.  

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