"Even if I don't get back with you immediately, the next week, the next month, the next season, the next year, the next decade, etc, I will get back with you!" -- What I say to the opposition
I went through my old files the other day and deleted those that I didn't need. It's a good thing that I checked the documents before deleting them. I came across the draft for these series of replies.
Boy was I relieved!
I remembered this exchange from the Black Hawk Down 93 Forums (BHD93). I wasn't able to find these until recently.
I was one of their posting members. I saw a post comparing the US and Chinese militaries, then jumped in and generated my response. It was my first post ever on the board. Nobody complained, or demanded that I post an introduction, or add more stuff to my profile.
Since not that much went on with that board, I lurked it from time to time. Seeing that "brain" type posts were missing, I figured that I'd throw a poll in. It asked a question, and then listed options.
The responses?
A bunch of idiots, including one of the administrators, attacked me. Back then, I was in the Navy. Many of my fellow Sailors weren't hostile to "brain" type topics. I thought that I'd meet the same kind of reception with an Army veteran audience.
The reactions proved otherwise. Was this because of them being Army veterans?
I had since joined the Army, as an infantryman. I deployed to Iraq as an infantryman; being boots on the ground on the 4 year anniversary of this exchange. That experience removed the "Army factor" from a possible explanation of the stupidity, ignorance, and resistance... in response to being required to exercise one's brain.
The Soldiers that I served with back then were more like the Sailors that I served with before them. They were pretty much open to "brain" type topics.
So, it was just the brain dead idiots that attacked me that demonstrated hostility to being required to use their brains.
I submitted these next series of posts. These posts weren't visible, as the administrators put me in "needs moderation" mode.