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Monday, February 20, 2012

HBO's Cathouse Series' Air Force Amy--Air Force Veterans Hint on Reality...

A veteran of the Air Force's Air Base Ground Defense specialty, username "joenoplis," started a thread on the military.com forums. An Airman, prior Soldier, replied, username Stonewall 11. Although he had that specialty, he didn't have to attend the AFSC qualification course. His being prior Army removed the need for him to go to that class.

Why would an E-4 be training other services in Air Base Ground Defense procedures... when Soldiers transferring into the Air Force got a waiver from attending the school for her AFSC?

As the thread progressed, Stonewall 11 claimed that their classes, including land navigation and other hands on training, were done by power point. Joenoplis replied that during his time, they spent 5 days out in the field doing land navigation and other combat related activities. Raz64 joined the thread, and talked about walking his fire team into a heard of cows during night landnav.

The posters mentioned "two weeks," as Air Force Amy did on Judge Pirro. These posters talked about resident tents and huts. That's not exactly "out in the field."

Now, the Air Force does use Senior Airmen as instructors. They're usually top notch. But, being a woman, Air Force Amy would've been part of a cadre that took men out for two weeks at a time. It wouldn't make sense; however, for an Airman to teach basic combat skills to people whose profession involved ground combat.

As a member of the military police, you're a defacto "anti terrorist" specialist. Posts/Bases in the US have security levels that meet the expected level of terrorist/security threat. Everybody in the military receives anti terrorist training as a general military requirement.

Now, Judge Pirro laughed at Air Force Amy's comment of taking 44 men, and the concept behind that. Air Force Amy was being humorous through all of this. She finished her statement with, "...taught them how to stay alive, and to stay on top of the situation!"

Again, let's look at who her implied students were: SEALs, Army SF, Marines, and hard bodied men and women of the different branches of both, the US and foreign militaries. If combat troops need an Air Force E-4 to teach them how to "stay alive" and to "stay on top of the situation," we're in massive trouble.

The school that they talked about on the military.com thread would've been considered "child's play/kindergarten" by Combat Arms and Special Forces.

Here's the reality... Air Force Amy was not an Air Base Ground Defense instructor. She did not take 44 men out in the field for two weeks at a time.

If she were an instructor, she would've been part of a cadre that took people out in the field, for those 4 or 5 days. The students would've been other Airman. They may have also been brand new Marines, Soldiers, and Sailors needing military police type training in addition to what they got from their parent service. She would've done most her teaching in the classroom.

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