A reporter at the Occupy Wall Street rally asks a young woman a question. If one of the CEOs came down, met her, and offered her a $100,000.00 a year job, would she accept it? Her answer was an emphatic "No!"
The scene shifts back to the news panel talking about the movement. A woman on that panel comments; had that been her daughter, and her daughter replied that way, she'd smack that daughter.
The woman that said "no" was with a group of college students. They lambasted the top 1% of the income earners in the US. What was the reporter's point with her question? Those "one percenters" worked hard to get to where they were at. Why penalize them for their success, by forcing them to just "give away" more of what they earned?
Another major point behind the reporter's question...
How willing were many of these demonstrators to open the door should opportunity knock? The scenario represented in that reporter's question would be a godsend to most. This'd be true whether we're talking about a fresh graduate out of college, or an unemployed American.
So you could understand why most people would smack such an idiot... especially one that slams the door shut on opportunity's face.
The unemployment rate was at least 9% during that scene. In reality, more people were unemployed.
You simply don't turn such an opportunity away. Unfortunately, this situation plays itself out across the country, across multiple scenarios. Money isn't always a factor either.
Receiving real, good quality, service is another experience that a minority of the women in the world enjoys. Most women complain that men tend to take on the "it's all about me" attitude in the bedroom.
The reviews that men do on their experiences with these women compliment that argument. Most guys think that giving any attention would matter, regardless of how little time it takes compared to the rest of their time. Many men actually believe their assumptions: "I body worshiped her for 3 minutes, and she absolutely loved it!"
The reality is that it takes patience, and a willingness to take one's time, to give a woman desirable results. This devotion to the woman's domina needs results in her experiencing the rushes she dreams of most the time... or orgasms she wished she should experience.
Most women sadly go to the grave not knowing what real domination is like. They spend the majority of their transit, to the grave, complaining about selfish subs thinking that it's about the sub.
Sure, they've met some guys who did good for them. But, unless you experience the real thing, you'd simply not know.
There's a domina that slammed the door on opportunity when it came knocking.
Most dominas are humble. They understand that they remain in business because of subs. Apparently, there are certain dominas who'd refuse to see certain subs... to punish those who dare have a different political stance... or who dare stand up for themselves.
This one Mistress pulled excuses out of her ass for her not wanting to see me. None of her excuses held any water.
There's no evidence that she read my reply, so I don't feel bad about putting it here.
These women will go to the grave never experiencing real pleasure. They're doomed to spend the rest of their lives being a sub's pleasure tool. Many of these women complain about men instead of looking at the mirror for the real solution.
The below post shows my response to her blatant lies...
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