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Sunday, June 9, 2024

Ivy Marie of Avenue-X, The Erotic Review, & Tryst - mid 40s and plus sized as of 2024

On a website, one individual described Ivy Marie as being in her late 30s, and as having average build. On Ivy Marie's website, she has images portraying herself as being of average build with slight hints of being overweight. However, neither the statistics, nor her photos, provide an accurate picture of what she looks like as of 2024.

Ivy Marie is one of the women who made me live up to my username (herfacechair). The last time I saw her was just over 10 years ago. She was in her mid-30s, 35 when I saw her last. From a mathematical and realistic standpoint, she would have to have started 2024 as a 45-year-old woman. 

As one could see from the near full body picture above, there are telltale signs indicating that the photo was manipulated. In the image, the red and yellow arrows indicate the direction of compression. One could see evidence of this image compression by looking at the quality of the lines adjacent to Ivy Marie. A vertical redline is placed right behind her legs to show inconsistencies among the broken lines adjacent to her.

If one looks closely at the image, one notices a white outline perfectly surrounding Ivy Marie in some areas. This is an indication that whoever photoshopped this image may have cropped the image and transferred it to where it could be worked on. Once the adjustments were made, the image was cropped back to the original image... Or to a photo with a similar shot but without Ivy Marie in it. 

From there, additional adjustments were made to both Ivy Marie and the background. This is visible via the inconsistencies that the arrows point to. Parts of Ivy Marie's edges are clear, other parts are blurry, indicating image manipulation. For example, the trend of Ivy Marie's elevated foot shows that the toes should be pointed downward. However, the toes are pointed diagonally down in a direction inconsistent to where most of the foot is pointing. One can see this difference when looking at the foot on the floor. There is an inconsistency between the direction the foot itself is facing, as well as the direction that the toes are facing.

This image zeroes in on the upper portion of the first image above. A vertical redline is placed along the edge of the door, on both sides, to show where it should be at the top of the picture. The top portion of the door appears to have been compressed inward. The smaller vertical red rectangle right behind Ivy Marie's hips shows the door being warped rather than straight. This suggests image manipulation.

Ivy Marie's body appears to be sharp in some places and blurry in others. Where it is sharp, one notices a white outline that is absent from the areas along the edges that are blurry. This shows the possibility that this image may have been manipulated on another base before being transferred back. It could also mean that it was cropped in place and adjusted without transferring to another base. This white outline is absent from background objects in the photograph.

This image focuses on the center of the first image. The vertical red rectangle right behind Ivy Marie's hips is extended to show multiple anomalies along the door's edges. The two vertical red rectangles show blurred images, indicating manipulation and brush up. Immediately to the right of Ivy Marie's hips (viewer's left), a red square indicates a horizontal anomaly.

This image expands on the bottom portion of the original image above. The rectangles mark anomalies noted above. Additionally, a look at the floor shows inconsistencies among the floorboards. The floor far behind Ivy Marie shows consistency with regards to floorboard widths. However, in the foreground, where Ivy Marie is at, a different consistency is visible among the floorboards.  

The nearside floor to the left of Ivy Marie's legs (viewer's right) is slightly blurry. The floor to her left (viewer's right) is also slightly blurry and shows warped floorboard widths. The blurry side to Ivy's right (viewer's left) does not appear to have warped edges among the floorboards. 


Someone's review of Ivy Marie describes her as a woman whose age range is 36-40, has average build, with C cups for breasts, whose photos are said to be accurate. However, a closer look at the images on her website show anomalies that indicate image manipulation. The distortions in the above images indicated that Ivy Marie's image was compressed to appear slimmer. To aid in this adjustment, the background in the immediate and near immediate area where Ivy Marie is standing appears to also have been manipulated. These anomalies adjusted as a result of the compression of the original Ivy Marie image. 

One of the folks that reviewed Ivy Marie provided the statistics captured in the above image. This description was made in 2024. The last time that Ivy Marie made me live up to my username was early 2014. She was 35 back then. The email that she used was a Yahoo email address that included the last two years of a person's birthyear. Conversations with Ivy Marie substantiated her given age based on this fact. Thus, simple math would indicate that Ivy Marie would have started 2024 as a 45-year-old woman. She may have turned 46 as of this posting, June 9, 2024, or she may be on her way to turning 46. 

Ivy Marie's images show that she appears to be of average build with hints of being overweight. However, a closer look at the images shows that "air brushing" and image manipulation occurred. Some images show that the size of parts of her body are not proportional to the size of the rest of her body in the image. For example, the chin appears to be larger than normal when compared to other parts of the body. These anomalies indicate that Ivy Marie may be more than just slightly overweight. 

In 2014, Ivy Marie's breast cup size appeared to be B cups, comparable to those of the young woman that I'm seeing now. I've known a woman with C cups, Ivy Marie's breast size did not appear to be C cups when I saw her last. These inconsistencies hint of serious weight gain over the past decade. The images appear to have been taken before 2020, thus she may be even more plus sized than what is hidden in the photos. 

To better get an idea of what Ivy Marie would look like in person, picture a plus sized woman that is 45/46 years old. Apply this woman's features to the Ivy Marie photos. This should give you a better picture of what she looks like right now. 

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